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Sowon's POV


We were having a fun time playing the game. I didn't even realize that it was already 3PM. Turns out, the members started to leave one by one. I guess I should start leaving too.

"Hey guys, I think I have to go." I say.

"Bye, Noona!" Jungkook says.

"Seokjin, you should walk with her." Namjoon says.

"It's fine." I say.

"Come on, Sowon. I feel like you guys have a lot to talk about with each other." Namjoon says as I felt my cheeks becoming hotter and hotter.

"You ready?" Seokjin asks.

"Yeah." I say nervously.

"Noona, don't be so nervous. He's just Seokjin!" Jungkook says.

"But..." I say.

"But what?" Jungkook asks.

"Never mind." I say.

Seokjin and I walk to the door. He opens the door and tells me to go first. I thank him and went out as he followed me from behind. We were walking and silence came upon us. I somewhat wanted to get rid of this awkwardness that was thrown upon us.

"H-Hey." We both say at the same time.

"You can go first." He says.

"No, you go first." I say.

"Okay. Well, do you want to go somewhere and hang out?" He asks.

"I'd like that." I say as I smile at him.

"What were you going to say, earlier?" He asks.

"Nothing. Let's just go." I say.

"Tell me!" He whines.

"Later." I say.

"Okay." He says.

We both walked all the way to the bus stop. We casually talked to each other. It was nice. He asked about my family and stuff. When the bus came, I feel like we got to know each other a bit more than before.

We both went on the bus and it turns out, the bus was empty. We sat where the seats all the way at the back were.

"I love going on the bus." I say.

"Why?" He asks.

"It helps me relax. I look out the window with my earphones in my ears, blasting music. I turn to the side and sometimes see mothers with their babies. I also see young kids going to school. Everyone is just happy." I say.

"That's really nice." Seokjin says.

"So, do you like going in cars?" He asks.

"Not really. Unless it's big trucks or buses." I say.

"You're really different." He says.

"How so?" I ask.

"Most girls love sports cars. Most of them hate buses because there are disgusting people that smell bad. However, you're nothing like them." He says as I stare into his eyes.

"Oh really? I hate most people at our school. All they pay attention to is their makeup, boys and money." I say.

"True." He says.

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