Chapter 17 *** Zevadia's War

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Chapter 17 *** Zevadia's War

They reached Mount Gul at midnight. The guards of the gates checked the perimeter if there was a sign of Aki before entering the Great Gate.

Mount Gul has three square shaped towers made of rocks. It stood high enough for them to see the enemy afar off. The roof was flattened. It was designed for war. In front of it is the Great Gate that protects the tower. Its wall is wide enough to carry hundreds of people on its top.

As they entered the towers they lit every torch and started to put up the battle plan.

"I want every archer in the top of the tower now!" Aldrich cried.

"Front liners, Guards on your positions now!" Feah called out as she circled the crowd.

"Every Apprentice, follow me!" Devan commanded.

The king's general commanded his armies and soldiers as well. Every warrior marched to their positions. Hundreds of soldiers stood guard outside the Great Gate.  Aldrich on the other hand commanded the archers at the top of the towers, ready to fire any moment. There are archers in front and the ones who put fire behind them. They built three lines for archers and assigned another group to fire the canyons.

Everything was in place. Every position was filled. Though there were hundreds of them, they still managed to be silent, each of them carrying fear in their hearts

In the middle of darkness and silence a great trumpet sound was heard.

Everybody was alarmed.

"Stood your ground, people of Zevadia!" the General cried in a loud voice.

 Afar off, they saw fiends marching toward them, 50s, 100s and 1000s.

Then they heard Aki's voice as if circling them. "Today, Zevadia will be mine!" His armies cheered louder creeching their weapons in the air.

Feah unsheathed her sword and aced it upward, "For Zevadia!"

Then everybody lifted up their swords in the air and chorused, "Zevadia!"

Aki gave a devil laughed. "I see you Zeya no more!"

The warriors and armies looked at each other. They realized that they didn't see the Zeya as they journey to Mount Gul. Then they started to murmur.

"Focus! Don't let Aki ruin your mind. The Zeya is with us, guiding us. And tonight, she will tear you into pieces Aki!" the queen cried.

As Aki recognized the queen he growled, "Ayesha! I already killed you!"

The queen laughed. "You're wrong! Vengeance is ours tonight, Aki!"

Aki's anger grew. He then commanded his first armies to attack!

"Kill them all!"

The first line of fiends ran towards Zevadia's warrior. They were groaning. Thirsty for blood. Their armours were aced upwards. Swords and spears and weapons that was never been seen in Zevadia before.

They drew nearer and nearer.

"Ready!" Aldrich cried and the archers put fire in the arrows. When the fiends saw that the top of the tower were blazing with fire they stopped.

"Pursue you idiots!" Aki cried and so the fiends ran again.

The frontliners were holding their breath as the fiends were getting closer.

"What is he waiting for?" Heru cried.

"Aldrich!" Feah cried.

"Steady." Aldrich cried calmly. "Steady!"

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