Chapter 30 ** Passed Away

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"Haleya!" Anika and Feah ran to meet her outside the academy.

"What happened?" they raised their shoulder.

"Where is lord Hasi?" she asked.

"In the Lord's chamber. It's wierd Haleya. Since you left, the lords is not much to be seen outside the chamber. Only lord Hasi but the others seemed to be preoccupied. We don't even see Lord Vashnu yet."

"We are not aware of anything, Hal. But we guess, something's happening." Heru looked worried.

Haleya didn't waste a single moment. She hurriedly went to their chamber and knocked before the door flew open. It was Lord Hasi who greeted her.

This is the first time she entered the lord's chamber. It was big and wide. Like the Zhanhi's it has a lounge and stairs directing to four rooms.

"Take a seat." Lord Hasi told her and poured some tea on a cup prepared before her.

"What is going on?"

He did not answer.

"Lord Hasi, what is going on?" she asked again. "You wouldn't call me back this urgent unless something's happening."

He cleared his throat and looked her in the eyes. He smiled.

"Nothing serious, Haleya. You see, we are old. The old days had gone past. Time runs quickly and after a hundred years one may feel weak. One may lose hope. One may give up. And from that, one might need to leave."

Haleya could not understand any of it but she felt pain in her heart.

"Wha... what do you mean?"

Before Lord Hasi could speak she heard a broken voice from behind saying her name. Her heart ached when she saw him. He looked pale. His eyes were deep. His gray, long, neat hair was now all white. His skin looked more aged than the last time she saw him. His voice is broken as if it was difficult for him to speak. He was leaning on his long staff on his right arm and his left arm on Lord Zai helping him walked down the stairs.

Haleya's tears fell down one after another as she finally realized what was lord Hasi talking about.

"Lord... Lord" she could not say his name as jolly as she used to. She could not smile the way she used to smile at him. She could speak as one brave girl like before in front of one of her weaknesses right now. Instead of running and hugged him like she always do, she dropped her knees on the floor and sobbed on her hands. There was a moment of silent. Then she felt a weak touch on her shoulder.

"You must let me go, child." Lord Vashnu tried to say it calmly. Haleya shook her head without looking at him. "I can't. Not you, Lord Vashnu. I can't do this without you. I can't." she continued to sobbed. They let her until she was ready to face him.


"I'm weak, Haleya. I wanted to rest. But I can't without the Zeya's blessing."

"Why didn't you take him to the healers?" she turned to the others.

"He won't let us." they answered.

"Haleya, my child. I want to go now."

"Why would you wait for me?"

"He can't leave without your blessing. You will be the one to let him go."

Haleya felt the pain in her heart.

"Even if you are not the Zeya, I will still wait for you. Because since you came, I treated you like my own child. You taught me many things in life, Haleya. I knew you as one brave girl, brave human. And I will happily remember that until I pass away."

Haleya shook her head while sobbing. She cried harder.

"You were the only one that saw that in me, since I came here. You were always there to guide me. You offered me opportunities to live my life better. Lord Vashnu, you were my greatest strength in leading these people. I not ready for this. I'm not."

"You have to Haleya." she heard Lord Gran whispered.

Vashnu held her hands. "You have to let me go, my child."

Haleya poured all her tears as she hugged him tight. They led them to Lord Vashnu's room. There he laid on his bed.

Haleya held his hand firmly. "Take a rest my lord. Thank you. Thank you for everything." Then she reached to kiss his forehead. Lord Vashnu gave a smile as he close his eyes that would never open again.

"He will be given a proper burial. I will talk to the people. But during that day, you must be there. You must tell them all, what Lord Vashnu left us with his memories."

She nodded. She found her way out from that chamber. She was weak. She was hopeless. She leaned outside the chamber's door and cried once again.


She turned to see Jhai walking closer. She let her tears fell in front of him. She was catching her breath. Without thinking she threw herself to Jhai longing for his hug. She heard him groaned in pain but only for a second. Then she felt his arms around her hugging her so tight. Allowing her to wet his shoulders. He didn't ask anything. He didn't say anything. He just held her right there brushing her soft hair. She was broken. She remained under hi arms for a long time before she heard Feah behind them.

"Haleya?" there was worries on her voice as she heard her crying. Haleya stepped away from Jhai. She didn't dare looked at him or Feah either. Then she ran away.

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