Chapter 6 ** The Challenge

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Chapter 6 ** The Challenge

"Lily, can you get Haleya for me?" Feah asked her.

Haleya found Feah sitting on the bench waiting for her. "Anything you want me to do, Shi Feah?"

"No. Nothing. Besides, you're a student now Haleya and not a servant anymore. Lord Vashnu send a word for you."

"Oh. What was that?"

"Since we are now in the middle of the year, you will have your own teacher. Actually, one of the Zhanshis."

"Really? Who?"

Feah stood and shook her head at Haleya. "Anika."

Haleya swallowed hard and breathe deeply. "I'm dead."

Feah laughed harder. "Nothing to worry, she's not a bad teacher."

"Yeah. But she's always been hard to me. Always." She frowned.

"You'll get used to it. Now, pack you're things, I'll show you your room."


"You're not our servant anymore, Haleya. So you're moving."

There was sadness in Haleya's eyes. So this is it. Everything will change. The fact is, she'll miss Lily. She'll missed cleaning the whole chamber and the Zhanshis rooms.

Feah led Haleya to her own room. Haleya was very surprised. Her room here on Zevadia was much bigger than her room back home. She had her own two-door wooden cabinet, a bathroom and a place to read. Her bed was wide and the foam was so soft. The ceiling was like a morning sky. She ran her hands from everything she saw. It was amazing. On her bed was a folded pair of clothes. When she lifted it up, she opened her mouth in awe. "It's beautiful!"

"Wear it." The Feah left her.

It was their uniform in the academy. It looked like a vest with an inner cloth. The sleeves were off shoulder and hard, designed for protection, a silver tiny chains hang in between which fell under her neck bone. It fitted her perfectly. The part that covered her body was hard too but comfortable to wear. The vest's color was blue with silver lining. The inner part was lighter. Her skirt has an inner short and fell between her legs and knees. The color had a shade of blue.

Haleya looked at herself in the mirror a couple of times. She loved it. She thought she was one of the teen warriors in a movie. She fancied herself as she combed her right-sided hair and tied it into ponytail, leaving some in the sides.

She was alarmed when someone knocked on her door.

"Come in!"

The door flew open. From the mirror's reflection, she saw a familiar face. She stopped combing her hair and dropped it. She turned to face her. This is the girl she saw with Jhai in photographs. She was here in front of her, and more beautiful in person. They have the same uniform but have different color. Hers was red.

"So it's true. You're enrolled." She walked around Haleya looking at her from head to toe. Then she smirked. "Not bad."

"Ahmm... may I help you?" she asked in a low voice.

"Haleya Regan. No. Human Haleya Regan, servant of the Zhanshis, now a student of Zevadia Academy!" she clapped her hands on the left side of her face. Then she rolled her eyes.

Haleya felt a bit of insult from her actions. "Do I know you?" she raised her eyebrow. Then the girl burst into laughter. An evil one. "No. But you, I know you, a human, who doesn't deserve any of this. Come' on Haleya! What are you doing here? You don't belong in this world. Can't you see it, you would never fit in."

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