Chapter 4** Zhanshis' Servant

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Chapter 4 

Haleya followed Zhanshi Feah out of the palace. When they stopped in front of a carriage Haleya covered her mouth with her hands in excitement. "This is amazing! Can I ride? Oh! I really wanted to ride a carriage!"

The other Zhanshis shook their head since for them the carriage is just ordinary and nothing to be amaze of.

"What?" Haleya straightened her back when she realized that they were not reacting like her. And even if they looked serious, Haleya could sense them laughing inside their head. "I'm just, appreciating things." Her expression began to change.

Each Zhanshi has their own carriage and Haleya rode with Shi Feah. There was long silence among the two. Haleya doesn't know what to say at all or what to think. Shi Feah at the same time doesn't show interest of talking since she was closing her eyes while leaning her back on the seat. Haleya tried to peek out of the carriage but the view were not that amusing. Woods, woods and more woods. That were all she can see so she decided to nap for a while.

To her surprise, the carriage had a full stop that she almost bump her head hard. "Agh! What is going on? Are we there yet?" she turned to Feah who is now unsheathing her sword..

The Zhanshi slid the curtain that covered them and looked outside then she turned back to Haleya.

"Not yet. But stay here. It's not safe for you out there." Then she went out.

Haleya was scared but whatever is going on, she don't wanna mess up with it again. She already had enough with the fiends.

For a moment there was silence until someone cried, "Heru get down!"

Heru was able to avoid the pointed arrow that flew right through him. "Whew! That was close."


Haleya was curious about what's going on so she carefully slid her eyes off the curtain to take a better view outside.

"Holy cricket!" she was shocked. What she saw were not fiends at all. She could not even believe what she was seeing.

"So this folks really exist." She told herself. Right there in her eyes were dwarves.

They were attacking the Zhanshis. Some with swords and some with arrows. It may not be a hundred of them as Haleya could see but they were quick to attack. Fortunately many of them lay dead on the ground. Haleya was so impressed on how the Zhanshis fight. They were natural. No flaws and they managed to block every attack, strike every arrow that flew to their faces. They were swift but sure. Quick but with graceful. The last thing that Haleya saw and made her jaw dropped was when Heru waved his hand into the air in an arc form, then back again, pushed it forward, then a strong force of wind stroke some dwarves and they fell on the ground groaning. Heru run through them and slew them with his sword.

Zhan Jhai was still fighting and they moved from one place to another. Haleya froze when she saw them stopped straight to the carriage she's in just a meter away. In a blow, Jhai released fire from his hand and hit the dwarf. He waved his sword and cut his head.

From a distant, one dwarf was attempting to fire an arrow to Jhai and Anika saw him released it.

"Jhai, look out!"

When Jhai saw it, he quickly stepped aside and it missed it. Haleya let go of the curtain and sat still.

"I've always wanted those little freaks to get out and try us!" Heru exclaimed proudly while wiping his sword and putting it back to its sheath.

"Fool! It almost killed us!" Aldrich slapped his head.

"We have to go. Maybe many more will come."

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