Chapter 31 ** Memories of Love

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The news strike Zevadia like a fallen bomb from the sky. It was a tragedy. During the three days of Lord Vashnu's burial preparation, Haleya didn't dare talk to anyone or let anyone see her. She jailed herself inside her chamber with only Lily beside her.

"The ceremony is about to begin, my lady." Lily told her as she entered her room. Haleya just looked at her for a moment then turned away. "They are expecting you, Zeya." Lily added.

She was fixing hair, tying it into ponytail that fell on her shoulder. She tried to smile in front of the mirror but it was just too hard yet. Then she turned to Lily, nodded and grabbed her sword.

The people of Zevadia bowed before her as she stood behind the altar. The five Zhanshis stood with her and so did  the lords with the king and the princess in the middle.

She lowered her eyes and caught the fiber casket wrapped with Zevadia's flag. Its color blazed in the rays of the sun. Her tears fell once more. She wiped it away before she placed her sword over the altar and spake.

"Today, I realized one thing." She paused and inhaled. "We don't really lose someone when they die. We just get not to see them anymore but deep inside our hearts they remained. He remained."

Haleya bravely shed tears without allowing it to interrupt her words. She stood still while talking from the heart.

"When I first laid my eyes in this world, all I have inside me is fear. I've been through a lot, but when I looked back, there's this one person who never doubted my existence, my strength and my will as a human. Never did he question my power as a Zeya. And that person was him. If I have regrets right now, that would be not asking him why he hoped so much in me and trusted me even when I was still a human in his eyes. Lord Vashnu was like a father to me. He was there to guide me, held me and cared for me. He seek nothing but the good of this world, he hoped for nothing but your freedom, he asked nothing but your joy. I believed he had this smile on his face for a reason. And let me tell you what it is. He never left us hopeless and weak. He left with a thought in his mind that we are strong and united. Our hope is not bound to only one person but for each and every one of us. We stood still after our almost defeat. So he did not doubt us that moment he closed his eyes and showed his wonderful smile to all of us. Let us keep that reason in our hearts and show him he was never wrong. Zevadia, a world that never entered my mind even in a single thought. A world that changed my life the moment I entered in. A world that almost ruined everything, until I have this man to make me realize I am worthy to be here. I would thank him every single day. He will always be remembered not just as Lord Vashnu but as one of the true heroes of this world."

Haleya took a deep breath after saying those words. She forced a smile while looking at Lord Vashnu's casket. She wiped her tears and held her sword. Then turned her back and went straightly to her chamber.

Just before she could open the door she heard footsteps behind following her.

"What do you want?" she asked without looking.

"I just want to check on you. Are you alright?"

Her heart breaks to hear him. She wanted to turn and hug him but she knew it's not right. So she tried so hard to hide her longings and faced him.

"I'm fine, Zhan Jhai." She managed to say.

"You're not." He said back and stepped to come closer but she stopped him.


His eyebrows met. "I just thought you needed someone to share what you feel. You have to let it go, Hal."

"Don't... don't call me Hal. I'm your Zeya and you're just a Zhanshi. From now on, I command you not to come close to me or even talk to me."

Jhai gritted his teeth upon hearing those words and slowly shook his head. "Why?"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2016 ⏰

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