Chapter 7 ** The Battle

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Chapter 7 ** The Battle

After making herself ready for battle, Haleya decided to visit an old friend.

Lily jumped on her feet when she saw Haleya and she run to hug her.

"You'll do good Haleya." Lily exclaimed.

"Thanks mate."

"You'll come back here alive, promise me that."

"I don't know Lil, but I'll do my best." she gave a fake smile and deep within her was great fear.

"Good luck!" They both look at the direction of the voice and found Shi Feah leaning by the kitchen door.

"Thanks Shi Feah. I'm sorry for my actuation last night. I just have to... to do this on my own. In our world we believe that if it's your time to die, you'll die, but if it's not, even in a dangerous pit you'll survive."

"You're not a coward, Haleya. Nothing could be compared to your braveness. I just hope Devan would not get too hard on you."

"I doubt it. Somehow, I'm partly prepared and let fate decide the next thing." with teary eyes she hugged Shi Feah.

"Here. This is yours." Feah handed her a sword.

She unsheathed it and raised it into the air. "I always wanted a real sword." She whispered as she remembered her twin.

Then from the back someone hugged her so tight.


"Oh Haleya, I'm sorry."

"It's not your fault." she kneeled down and touched the princess cheek.

"Don't cry my princess. Remember that day? We were running for our lives. I don't even know who we are fighting but I tried and we were safe. Today, I have to try as well. Otherwise, I wouldn't know if I could. And if I die, at least I die fighting."

"But you're a human, you can't defeat her."

"Yes. I am a human that's why I have to prove something. Anyway..." she stood up and smiled. "I'll have a little show later. And you would enjoy It." Then she hugged the princess once more.

The Zhanshis and the princess looked at her curiously.

"Zhanshi, I want to watch it." Lily interrupted.

"Sure you will Lily." Haleya said and the Zhanshi nodded. "But first, I need you to get me something." she added and whispered to Lily.

They went to the arena together and Haleya felt more afraid te moment she saw the crowd. There were hundreds of them.

"Be careful." the princess gripped her hand and find a place to seat.

Lady Devan was already waiting for her.

"Ready to die, human?"

"Always am." she smiled.

Then someone in a loud voice got their attention.

"Tonight, we will witness a battle between Human Haleya Regan and our very own 3nd Ranker Student Warrior, Lady Devan." applause surrounded the place.

"I am about to die, and they applauded?" Haleya sighed.

Lady Devan laughed at her and said, "They're just happy about it."

"Don't need your opinion, 3rd ranker." Haleya smirked.

"Before we begin..." lord Gran stated. "The Battle ground has its own rules. No one is permitted to step inside when the battle begins, if one do so, he or she will be bound to continue the battle and make the losing opponent free. If a Zhanshi will be the one to intrude, then he will be fighting with his title in risk. If he loses, he loses his title and it will be given to the one who defeated him. I have spoken and let... the battle... BEGIN!"

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