A Night in Hotland

Start from the beginning

"I thought this party was going to be one of those with ballroom dancing and orchestra music." Clarissa said. "Not a modern party with techno music and all of these people."

"Hey. Mettaton is Mettaton. He can choose how he wants his parties to be." Frisk replied.

"When was the last time you came to this place?" Jonas asked.

"When I was just seven years old when Alphys took me here."

"Yeah. There was also a time when she went into Mettaton's room and tried on a pair of his legs." Asriel snickered.

Ren laughed and turned to Frisk. "You did?"

"Like I said, I was seven." Frisk said without embarrassment. "So yeah."

"Okay, that's nice. Can we please just go back to why we are here?" Kubo reminded.

"Fine." Alex touched her earpiece. "Spike, we're in. Show us the way."

"Alright," Spike replied from Alex's earpiece. "Through the crowd of people, there is an entrance to a hallway that is leading you guys up a staircase. Mettaton's room is at the third floor, so-"

"Wait. Third floor?" Alex raised an eyebrow.

"This mansion has three floors." Thorax explained. "So, Mettaton's room is on top of the second floor. Also, there are guards on the second floor, so we need to be very careful around them."

"But how are we going to get there without being caught?"

"I have an invisibility cloak."


"Good luck, you two!" Frisk called as she and the others watched Alex and Thorax leave. "Also, whatever you do, stay determined!"

"Stay determined?" Jonas questioned.

"It's her motto." Kubo explained.

"Her motto?" Clarissa said. "Why does she have a motto?"

"I don't know. What's the 'motto' with you?" Frisk smirked with a snicker.

Ren let out a loud laugh. "Good one. That was a good one. What's the 'motto' with you?"

"I think I got it a little." Nona said.

"Oh, come on, Nona. There are some people who just like to joke around."

"Don't you mean some people like to..." Frisk grabbed a deviled egg from a plate. "'Yolk' around?"

Ren let out another laugh. "Stop! You're killing me!"

"Okay. I will say this once." Clarissa crossed her arms. "Frisk, if I hear another pun come from your mouth..."

"Oh, what's wrong?" Frisk pulled out an empty bucket. "Can't 'handle' it?"

"That's it. I'm finding a table." Clarissa walked away from the group.

"Hey! Wait!" Lloyd started following Clarissa. "I'll come with you. And it's 'Clarissa', not 'Marissa'?"

"So, how are we going to contact each other?" Jonas asked. "Like, we have our own secret code word or..."

"How about we just use our earpieces to contact each other?" Asriel said. "Just so we don't disrupt the people around us. I mean, it's suppose to be a party-"

"I like it." Frisk said. "When Twilight gives us the signal, Saoirse will give you a call. She did come up with a few."

Saoirse cleared her throat, grabbing Jonas by the collar and mumbling gibberish into his ear. Then, she pulled out a kazoo and blew into it, then imitated a seal. For her next call, she imitated a bird's caw, which caught the eyes of a crocodile in a black dress and dark blue eye shadow. For her final call, she let out a whistle.

"I think the kazoo is better." Ren said.

"Great! Let's get started, shall we?" Frisk turned and only saw Mettaton sitting in a large table with others. "Hey, Saoirse? I think I found Mettaton sitting with other celebrities, including your favorite artist!"

As Saoirse's eyes widen, she turned to what Frisk was looking at. At a table was a purple and silver robot with black hair and pink eyes in a tux sitting with others. One of them had short red hair and blue eyes, and she wore a gold dress and with her was a glowing USB-like sword.

"Red." Saoirse said.

"That's right." Frisk grinned.

"Red." Saoirse smiled.

"Go, my marine mammal friend. Go to her. It's your destiny."

With a wide smile, Saoirse ran up to the table as the others watched.

"A fan. Nice." Nona said as she and Ren started walking away. "Now please excuse us, we're going to find a table."

"Yeah. Let's do that. It's a party anyway." Blake walked away from the group.

"Hey guys," Jonas said getting the kids' attention. "Be careful."

"Jonas, come on!" Blake called.

The kids watched as Jonas went to Blake. Meanwhile, Saoirse came back holding a signed and cased CD, getting the others' attention.

"So, how did it go?" Asriel asked as he noticed the CD in Saoirse's grasp. "Got Red's autograph?"

Saoirse nodded.

Kubo sighed. "That's it. Tell me when Twilight found them."

The others watched as Kubo walked away.

"Where are you going?" Asriel raised an eyebrow.

"I'm getting something to drink. Probably some iced tea."

Frisk sighed. "Just like Mom, I worry about him."

"I'm just as worried as you are." Asriel replied. "Just don't worry about him now. I mean, it's a party. They were meant for people to have fun, as Pinkie said."

"Yeah..." Frisk took a bite of the deviled egg.

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