Chapter 29

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Lena stepped off the elevator and looked up and down the length of the corridor before heading down the right side. Stopping in front the door, she took a minute. 

James shoved his bag under the bed, "Coming!"

He made one more sweep of the room then went to the door. He chuckled seeing Lena standing there.

"You're not room service."

The woman shoved by him entering.

"Let's not do this at the door, eh?" she said.

"Please do come in then."

He poked his head out checking the corridor. It was emptied. She had come alone. James shut the door and turned to see his prey with hands tucked into her coat, looking around the room.

"What brings you by? A chat?"

She gave him a look over her shoulder.

"No. Are you about to pay me off, Lena? Is this the point in this chase where you attempt to make me an offer, I can't refuse? Am I suppose to double-cross my employer?"

She scoffed, "Do I seem like the type?"


Her laugh was cold as she undid the buttons and moved deeper inside.

"So are you here to do murder?"

A half-cocked grin spread over her face as she propped against the table in the middle of the room.


James tensed. They shared a look as he slowly began to stalk towards her.

"Yes?" he asked.

"Yes," she said.

He stopped a good ten feet away from her. He wished he had his gun on him. Lena tsk as he looked away from the bed. The woman shook her head, still tsking as she crossed her legs at the ankles.

"You aren't that crazy, are you?" she asked.

"Well, it's a thought."

"Thoughts are only dangerous if you apply action," she said.

"And where are we in this scenario?" he asked.

"Nearing action," she said nonchalantly.

James nodded. They stared at each other for a long while. Lena was humming softly to herself as if she had nowhere else to be. He considered going for the gun in the nightstand.

"You're thinking crazy again," she purred.


"But you aren't the sort, right?" she asked.

"Neither are you," he countered.

"No. I'm crazy. More days than I care to admit to, but I'm crazy."

He took a breath as she beamed.

"Is this where you tell me about your horrible childhood?"

Lena rubbed the bridge of her nose, "Alas, I'm not so crazy as to get personal with you."

"It's always personal," James said.


He watched her as she stared at her hands for a minute. He crossed his arms over his chest, waiting.

"It appears Mr. Wolfe it is your move."

"Is it?"


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⏰ Última actualización: Mar 14, 2017 ⏰

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