Chapter 26

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Lena watched as Phoria lit a kerosene lamp and held it up, "This way."

Looking over her shoulder, Lena decided not to bolt even as her inside voice screamed for her to run. She followed the coven leader down the stone steps.

The stone walls were cool to touch. Lena thought she could hear running water as they went further down.

This is how horror movies begin.

The thought kept running round in her skull until they reached the bottom. The room was probably the length of two football fields.  Rows upon rows of bookshelves stretched out as far as the eyes could see. The entire space was lit by candle and torch light. Large tables were scattered about, as well as various sizes of display cases. All sorts of items were on display. Against the far left wall, were filing cabinets.

Lena blinked.

"Have you never seen an Archive room before?"

Lena gapped at her, "Room? It's a little larger than a room, don't you think?"

Phoria chuckled, "I see. Well, we rarely come down here, so my perspective maybe a little skewed."

Lena bit back her retort as a willowy woman appeared. Her teal eyes were mesmerizing. Her intelligence and her experience of life showed within them. Her hair was mostly white with wisps of blue and lavender strands throughout. Her skin was porcelain with hints of blue which the candle light showed. She walked with purpose. Her raised, chiselled chin did not hold an air of superiority but one of welcoming. Lena felt at ease in her presence. She wore a long, flowy daffodil gown with a braided tan leather belt. She was barefooted and her hands were clasped in front of her.

"Mistress Phoria, I am honoured."

Her smile was bright and invited you to smile back.

Phoria's chuckle reached Lena's ears as she leaned in to whisper in her ear, "Yes, our archivist is an elf. You're surprised?"


"Elves do have long lives. Centuries. Who else could maintain our vast and extensive catalogue of artefacts and files?"

Lena nodded.

"Lena Gynn, meet Siwen. Siwen this is Lena Gynn. She is half-jinn, half-mortal and requires only what you can provide her."

"And what may that be?" Siwen asked.


Siwen's eyes sparkled as she stared at Lena. Her smile never waving and she bowed her head slightly.

"I am honoured."

Phoria bowed to Siwen then turned to leave, calling over her shoulder, "Thirty minutes Ms. Gynn, no longer."

"Thank you."


Siwen set the tray down.

"Sorry, but we do not have much time, " Lena said as the older woman began to prepare the elder tea.

"Time is different in here. Thirty minutes out there is one in here, so there is time."

Lena's mouth snapped shut.

Siwen's laugh was air and kind like her. Lena found herself at ease.

"I will not lie Lena, I am pleased to have the company. It has been some time since anyone required my insights or knowledge. Please, tell me how might I help you?"

Gynn Mysteries - The Romeo Effect (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now