Chapter 18

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Lena absently rubbed the spot over her heart as Bruce placed a mug in her hands.


She nodded, clutching hold letting the hot mug warm her hands. She shifted in her chair to pull her knees to her chin. The dream left her drained and scared. The idea of being bragged into a bottle haunted her waking thoughts, sending shivers of fear through her, right to her core.His laughter stung her every time she closed her eyes. Telling herself it was only a dream made her anxious.

Out of the corner of her eye, she glimpsed Bruce. His meticulous style was now dishevelled. He was propping against the island, mug in hand. His gaze on her as she met his eyes.

"Hey darling."


He brought the mug to him lips and made a face, "Tea without milk is a crime."

Lena lowered her gaze from him, "Sorry. Got forced into finding a killer and never got around to shopping for groceries."

His laughed filled the space, "You shop? Please. Do me a favour and don't joke about groceries."

A twinge of a smirk came to her lips even though it didn't reach as far as her eyes, Bruce was glad to see he could pull a little smile from her.

"If you don't think I'm trying to make you my mistress, I'll have Roger do some shopping, and fill that sad, empty looking fridge with proper food, because gin and mayonnaise and stale tea are  not food groups."

A bemused look flickered across her face. It took him a while to get close enough to Lena in the bedroom. She had huddled against the headboard, unaware that it was only him for while. It then took about fifteen minutes to convince her, she wasn't still dreaming and was safe. Another five to get her to agree to have some tea in the kitchen.

Fortunately, the blank look on her face was beginning to fade. Sparks of the Lena he knew was coming back. Watching her absentmindedly rub her chest gave him concern. He knew she was checking for her heart.

"Can you talk about it?" he coaxed.

She set the mug on the table beside her and hugged her knees, staring at the cupboards.

"I feel numb."

"What can I do to help you?"

He strode over to the chair where he left his blazer and collected it. He moved over to her and draped the blazer over her shoulders. Shaky hands gripped the collar pulling it tight around her. Bruce leaned down and pressed a comforting kiss on her temple then fell back to where he had been standing.



" the dream I saw Ava and Chad."

He straightened, "What were they doing?"

She sighed and told him what she had seen. It felt as though she was right back inside it. She dropped her forehead onto her knees when she finished.

"Do you remember the position of the card?"

"Is that important?"

Bruce move to grab a chair, then strolled over, dropping it a few feet away from her. He threw his leg over it and let his arms hang over the chair's back. If he extended it, he could reach out and touch her hand, if she need it.

"The meaning changes depending on whether the card is facing up right or upside down."

Her eyes squinted as she tried to see it, "No. Sorry, I can't remember. All it said was The Lovers."

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