Chapter 8

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Ben looked over his shoulder, slowing his pace as a police car drove by. The club-goers were spilling out of the clubs and like salmon were all heading upstream towards the cab hubs or to find food to slop up the booze they ingested.

He picked up his pace, nearly getting hit by a car trying to cross the street. The horn blared the driver's anger in the late of night.


He sprinted around a corner and headed for the next block. He got to the end of the street and turned left down the next road. He turned right once more and came out onto a street lined with townhouses. He tucked into the shadows as a car drove by. His eyes darting everywhere. Every sound made his heart speed. He slipped out from his hiding spot and hurried down the sidewalk towards the townhouse.

Ava being dead was one issue, but how had he missed hearing about her body being found at Chad's house?

He fingers fumbled with the tin pill-case as he broke into a sprint again.

Chad was dead. The fool got himself killed.

Ben's heart skipped a beat and rolled into a faster pace. It was loud. He could hear the beating heart in his ears. His palms were sweating as he stopped, taking the pill-case out and  fumbling with the lid before tossing three down his throat.

Just stay cool man. Stay cool, it has nothing to do with me. Stay cool.

He reached the house he wanted and looked up. A tiny light was coming from a room on the top floor. There was also a shadowy figure strolling by on the main floor. Ben jogged up the steps and knocked on the door.

Shit. Chad's dead?!? He's dead...

The guard peeled back the eye-slot and peered out. His eyes settling on Ben with steely annoyance. Ben stared back.

"Get lost junkie."

"It's me, guy. It's Ben."

The eyes disappeared for a minute then returned. Eyes of judgement cold, glared accusatory back again at Ben.

"You are not suppose to be here."

"Look man, I need to speak with her. I know what she said over the phone, but guy... see her for like a minute."

"It's two in the morning. Your appointment is scheduled for eleven o'clock," he said dryly.

Ben slammed his fist hard against the doorframe. His head down as he tried to catch his breath. His body beginning to feel relaxed as the pills did their magic. He heard the eye-slot shut and silence.

"Come on..." Ben wailed as he banged the door.

Several minutes passed and clicking from several locks sounded. The door swung open and  the man stepped out. He was slender, but muscular, wearing a black pinstripe suit with not tie. His knuckles popped as he made fists. Icy anger stared at Ben, but he didn't care. He needed to talk to her. Ben shifted as the guard took a step forward.

"You need to leave junkie."

"I am not a junkie, dude!"

There was a gap between the slender guard and the door. He thought about bounding for it. He could get by the guard and she would have to see him.

"Don't even," the guard said, voice low with a promise in it.

"Maaaannnn, I need to see her. A minute, come on?"

"No. You need to walk away, man." 

Ben sighed, "Please, I'll beg you guy, please. Just ask her. Just a few minutes."

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