“Luke? Was it Luke?” I need confirmation, although I already know I’m right

“Yes, Luke! How did you know?”

“Because Luke is my boyfriend, and I’m the girl” I sigh, running my hands through my hair

“No fucking way” Tyler says incredulously. I nod and let out a frustrated groan “I’m guessing you didn’t know about the second fight”

“I did not, Luke didn’t tell me”

“Shit, Taylor I’m sorry you had to find out like this”

“No, I’m glad you told me because Luke obviously wasn’t going to”

Work drags on and on, my mind completely overwhelmed with confusion and anger. I need to talk to Luke. I don’t know how to bring this up to him, I’m not ever sure if I’m mad. He went there with the intention to patch things up, but he still punched Sean and kept it from me. I end up at Amanda’s house after work and I tell her what I learned through Tyler.

“I think you should hint at it and see what he says. You never actually asked him that day what happened, for all you know he can tell you if you ask” Amanda suggests. I lie back on her bed, mulling over her advice.

“Why does it seem like my relationship is so complicated and flawed while yours is so simple and perfect?” I sigh

“Because you have multiple guys fighting over you and I don’t” Amanda laughs sadly. I sit up and grab her shoulders

“That doesn’t mean anything, you’re so beautiful, Amanda”

“And you’re too beautiful for your own good”

“Shut up” I roll my eyes and pull her into a hug “I miss when it was just us”

“Me too, I say we have a girls night tonight. No boys, just us like the previous summers”

I nod excitedly at her plan. Amanda and I run downstairs, grab our bikes and ride to the LBI convenience store. We buy movies, ice cream, chocolate and candy, then go back to Amanda’s and order a pizza. We collapse onto the couch, throwing the pizza box and the food bags onto the counter, and my phone vibrates. It’s a text from Luke, but I ignore it; I’ll deal with him in the morning. I turn off my phone, knowing he’ll text me a few more times and might even call. We watch countless movies, stuffing our faces and talking until the early hours of the night.

When I turn on my phone the next morning, I see I have 7 texts and 2 missed calls from Luke. I text him back, asking him to meet me at the park in an hour.

“I need to deal with him now I guess” I sigh

“Good luck, I love you!” Amanda calls as I leave her house

“I love you!” I call back, and then ride to the park. I get there before Luke, so I sit on the bench and wait for him. I open the Flappy Bird app, making several failed attempts at beating my high score

Destined || Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now