Hugging myself tightly I rose to my feet, giving the room a careful inspection, including the ventilation system. The room had two beds, each made with a teal and white linen. Beside each bed was a small table, each containing two draws. They were both made with wood - oak, if I had to guess - with metallic plastic accents or handles. A door to the side revealed a small bathroom, containing a shower, toilet and vanity. The cupboards beneath the vanity contained several white, neatly folded towels and sample packets of shampoo, conditioner and those little packets of soap you can find in fancy hotels.

When I found the ventilation system, hidden under one of the beds, I was relieved to find that although it was small, I would just be able to fit inside for an emergency exit. Collapsing on one of the beds, I stared mindlessly at the soft peach ceiling above my head. So close - I thought to myself, closing my eyes and taking in a soft but deep breath - once Claire gets here everything will be okay. I opened my eyes again, holding up my cuffed hand over my face looking at the black device strapped to my wrist, briefly considering trying to remove it. There was no gap between it and my skin and the whole outside was made of some weird black metal, tampering with it before had gotten me a warning shock of electricity, only a light one and the only time I'd continued to attempt to remove it got me knocked out. However, I was no longer in the base and I didn't think it could shock me from the distance I was at, nothing remote controlled could be that strong.

Wigglytuff entered the room with a tray of food in her hands, spooking my slightly as I jumped and pulled back on instinct. I felt more then slightly stupid when I looked up at the derpy smile over her features as she set the tray on my bedside table. ~How are you feeling now Miss Voice of Purity?~

"A little better." I replied, sitting up with one swift and fluid movement. "Though, you can call me Emma. It gets annoying being constantly reminded what I am rather than who I am."

With another derpy smile, Wigglytuff nodded. ~Okay then, Emma it is.~

I nodded as I turned to the food tray. "I don't have money to pay for this..." I frowned with a sigh.

~You're friend if paying for your expenses when she arrives. Her position as a gym leader gives good enough reason to trust her word by itself, not to mention your position as champion.~ Wigglytuff smiled. ~She said to take the very best care of you until she can get here and she'll pay for anything so do not worry about a thing.~

A small smile tugged across my features, of course Claire's looking out for me as always. "Thank you for your hospitality. Now, I'd like to get some rest so..." I didn't want to be rude by actually asking her to leave so instead I heavily implied it.

~Okay, I'll leave then and come back for the tray later. Enjoy your dinner Emma.~

"Thank you." I replied as she left me alone once more.

I ate my dinner slowly, the pasta was obviously handmade... well the sauce anyway. A nice change from the food that always tasted as if came from packets, jars or cans as they did in Team Rift's base. After finishing the meal, the juice and the small tea cake I'd been served along with it, I simply sat back and waited until Claire arrived. I knew I'd need to sleep eventually but I also knew that I simply wouldn't be able to if I tried with my nerves as anxious as they were now so I might as well keep on guard until my guardian arrived to take me home.

~Clare's pov~

A day after my call to Emma, I entered the Pokémon Centre she was staying at, walking right up to Nurse Joy without making a show of things, I was anxious to see my daughter but I knew I couldn't give her position here away with my own. I showed Nurse Joy my ID, asking for a room. Thankfully the Nurse already knew who I was and gave me a key and a room number, without the mention of another person in there as I'd asked her to act as if Emma didn't exist to everyone beyond the three of us for her protection.

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