10- Nightmares become real

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"Whoever's idea it is to keep spawning me in a dress, if I spawn in a dress one more time I am seriously gonna connect someone's ass with their face." I called snapping my fingers to turn the white dress I was wearing into my usual hoodie and jeans. "Night get your ass out here before I come and get you!"

~What is the matter young Voice of Purity?~ A familiar childish voice question.

I turned to see Keldeo walking up to me calmly, his hooves making a clicking sound as he made his way over the cobble stone path.

"Just stressed." I huffed, taking a deep breath in. "How have you been? I haven't see you for a while."

~I have been fine thank you.~ Keldeo said with a lopsided smile. ~I've been busy training to become a Sword of Justice.~

"Want my job?"

Keldeo chuckled. ~I don't think that's allowed.~

"Figured. Now please excuse me, I need to make sure Night isn't doing anything to piss off Arceus."

~Good luck there.~

"I'm gonna need it." I waved good bye and left to find Night or Purity.

~Emma!~ Melody called sitting on my shoulder. ~Have you spoken to Purity yet?~

"Nope, I'm checking on Night first cause last time I spoke with her she turned Arceus shiny."

~Oh my.~ Melody giggled.

"Hello!" Night said cheerfully, skipping over to me. Night skips?

"What have you been up to?"

"Nothing, why?"

I raised an eyebrow. "You've pranked everyone here. What have you done recently?"

"I can do things other than prank ya'know?"

I rolled my eyes. "To be continued, you know where Purity is?"


"Well help me find her. I need her help."

"About the Mega Evolved Pokémon you battled?" She chirped, grooming out her tails.

I nodded. "I've had a bad feeling ever since that battle." I ran my fingers lightly through my hair and glanced at Melody. "Mel had a theory but I want to make sure before I drew anything to a close."

Night nodded and sat down. "Good luck with that, I've got better things to do so bye."

I rolled my eyes. "Mel do you think you could find Purity. I'll be there soon, there's something else I want to do first."

Melody looked confused but nodded. "Sure." With that she flew off and I turned to Night.

"So do you know where Mewtwo is?"

"Right behind the castle there's a little clearing. If Mewtwo's here that's where he'd be. May I ask why you want to know?" Night asked cocking her head to the side.

"I had a nightmare." I mumbled.

"Wouldn't that be Luna or Darkrai's speciality? After all Cresselia and Darkrai have the power over dreams."

I shook my head. "It's more something that happened in the nightmare. Now I'm gonna go, please behave."

"I'm an angel." She smirked. "I always behave."

I rolled my eyes and left to find Mewtwo. Although it was just a nightmare I wanted to ask Mewtwo about it, just to be sure. If anything happened to either Red or Silver I'm not sure what I'd do. They both mean everything to me.

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