8- Descoveries

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I practically flew from the plane (oh the irony) and walked right up to the railing on the other side of the runway, peering down at the many water type Pokemon below. I didn't recognise all of them, but most I did from my previous journeys. Silver came to my side, followed by Red. Both seemed interested in the many species of Pokemon below as they pulled out their Pokédexs and scanned some of the new Pokemon below.

"Skrelp, Dragalge, Clauncher and Clawitzer." Red read out. "They're pretty cool." He said sounding impressed.

I gave a small nod. Unlike normal people I couldn't hear the Pokemon talk using their name, I heard them all having their own conversations. It could actually get quite annoying sometimes. Though, nowhere near as annoying as Night could be.

Hey! I happen to resent that comment.

"Oh shut up you."

Make meh~!

I mentally sighed and shook my head while following the boys to the city, having my own little mental argument with Night. I don't even know how we ended up on the topic but eventually we started talking about what bad guys might be in Kalos and who's butt I'd have to kick while being here.

All I'm saying is that it doesn't take a genius to figure out you're going to Kalos, it's the last region with an established league that you haven't faced yet. Therefore, Cyrus unfortunately isn't a complete idiot and would've figured it out, who knows what happened to N and there may be other bad guys here in Kalos so be carful.

"When am I not careful?"

Do you want your list in chronological or alphabetical order?

"What list? Anything that happened in Unova wasn't my fault, and I was overly careful then. Anything else you shouldn't know about."

I have my own sources of information.

"Really? Who?"

I'm not telling~!

I shook my head and rolled my eyes.

By the way, if Arceus says that I poured a tub of gold paint and covered him with glitter bombs this morning I didn't do it.

"Really Night?"

Hey I was experimenting if I could turn a Pokemon shiny. Lets just say that the only colour changing Arceus did was turning red...

I sighed and rolled my eyes again.

"Hey Emma, look up there." Red snapped me from mine and Night's conversation.

I looked up at a flock of orange and grey bird Pokemon. "Oh they're just Fletching, Fletchinder and Talonflame. The common bird Pokemon of Kalos." I shrugged.

"Have you been here before?" Silver frowned.

I gave a small nod and winced slightly. "A while ago with Clair, that's where I got this." I held up my bracelet with my key stone in it. "Also broke my wrist... Don't ask about that..."

"How'd you break your wrist?" Silver frowned.

"Didn't I just say don't ask?" I glared but sighed and explained anyway. "I got into a fight...." I rubbed to back of my head with a small smile. "Some kid was insulting the scars I had back then and one thing led to another and next this I know, Clair is dragging me away from his beaten up body." I let out an awkward chuckle.

Silver sighed. "Why does that not surprise me?"

"Cause I get angry quickly? Cause I dislike people even mentioning the scares I had? Cause-"

Why us? (Pokemon fanfic)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя