38- An electrifying match up

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A heavy sigh left my lips as my fingers danced over my Pokéballs. Who to use? Since I didn't know who Kathrine would be using next, it was up to complete chance whether or not I would hold an advantage or disadvantage over her Pokémon Rioyaru had a diverse move set and I was saving Night until later, as I was with Guardian. Melody could switch type and Faith could use pretty much any move.... Faith it is then.

I clasped my fingers around Faith's Pokéball as I watched Kathrine remove one from her belt and almost in sink we called them out. "Faith, stand by for battle."

My fluffy pink know ball of fluff twirled in the air before she caught sight of her long pink tail, chasing it round in circles making me sigh in annoyance. "Faith, pay attention. We've been through this already!"

~Sorry-!~ She giggled, not sounding sorry at all.

"Eesh." I rolled my eyes, turning to face my next opponent.

The Pokémon I was faced with was a Mega Ampharos, pulsing with a sickly green light that ran delicate swirls over its grey fur. Sickly green eyes glared at me, filled with hate, pain and pity. Its black mane curled in jagged movements, darkness embedded into each strand as they curled around green orbs, each of which held blackened sourced of energy, corrupted by the trainer it would be forced to battle for. The negative aura that radiated from its body hit me with the power of a title wave, forcing me to my knees as I clamped my hands over my ears as a feeble attempt to block it out.

~Emma!~ Faith called out in distress, hovering over me.

"I-- I'm fine, it's just the--"

~I feel it to.~ Faith nodded as I carefully rose to my feet. ~Are you able to keep going?~

Taking in a deep breath a gave a sharp nod. "I should be, it was just the shock I think."

My Mew nodded. ~Good. We need to make this meanie pay for what she's doing to Pokémon!~

Giving the Psychic type a dull nod of agreement, I watched her take back her battle ready stance. Her bubbly nature seemed to have been popped and replaced by an angry, very pissed legendary.

"Okay Faith, begin with Aura Sphere!" I ordered.

With a snort of amusement, Faith flipped through the air, powering up the bright form of light she was forming at her finger tips. As a legend she could also draw power from me, which she did, taking in my own aura to super charge her own. The resulting sphere was sent flying towards Ampharos whom attempted to block but wasn't given the time to even try.

She was blown back from the attack but too just mean moments to recover, stamping back to her spot before Kathrine ordered a Dragon Pulse. The dragon fire was fused with the normal sickly green glow as was as black as a graveyard on a moonless night, Faith just elegantly twirled to the side with a taunting smirk.

"Don't get cocky Faith, these things are tough."

~I know, just having some fun-?~

"Well don't, and use Psyshock."

The Mew rolled her eyes but used the attack regardless, once more relying on me for the extra power. Normally this would affect how well I'd be able to use my own powers but as I was currently unable to use them, I couldn't care less.

Bright pink energy surrounded Faith, infused with with the bright white energy that was the energy of the Voice of Purity. The light energy was sent at Amohros in the form of a Psyshock, takin out a large chunk of health from my opponent. The electric type was clearly very unhappy about this, snarling at Faith with a deep look of hatred.

"Rain Dance Ampharos and follow that up with Thunder."

I fought off the urge to ball my hands into fists since I already had little trail of blood running down my palm from that and the metallic taste of blood lingered in my mouth from biting down on my tongue.

Amphros formed a ball of water in her paws, shooting to the sky as possibly it's only move that didn't looking like a corrupted being had possessed the attack. Clouds gathered in the sky despite us being indoors as rain began to fall from the greyed out clouds.

"Faith, get ready to use Mirror Coat." I muttered beneath my breath. Faith gave a hesitant nod, showing she had heard. It was risky to let Faith be hit by the attack but she could use plenty of healing moves so she could last longer then my others would.

Each strand of Faith fluffy fur covered itself in a shiny glow, as the Thunder landed an unmissable hit on my Mew. She was forced into the ground by the corrupt electricity but regardless she sent it back with twice the power. Ampharos crossed her arms in front of her but even while she took most the tack, she was still pushed back several feet. Faith rose in the air, twirling around with a cocky smile.

"Faith Recover." I called, knowing that after being hit with such a move, Faith's health would be low.

The DNA Pokémon nodded, her body beginning to glow with then eating light before it stopped with the crackle of electricity. Are you kidding? Faith had been paralysed! I cursed beneath my breath, ordering Faith to keep trying until it worked.

"Thunder again Ampharos." Kathrine ordered, her corrupted mega obeying without the slightest of hesitation, blasting off an attack that was even more powerful then the last.

I shielded my eyes from the intents light as waves of Ampharos's suffering filled the room with a painful aura. Gritting my teeth, I looked up at Faith, knowing she wouldn't be able to survive such an attack. Despite her weakness, she still struggled to crawl from the crater the Thunder had made. The air reeked of singed fur and the burnt patches the covered Faiths body made no my story as to where the smell came from.

"Faith!" Feelings of deep concern ran through me as Faith floated up, wobbling as she did.

~I can still fight Emma.~ She affirmed, glancing at me with a pained smile.

"Dragon Pulse." Kathrine called.

"Destiny Bond!" I cried out, my voice wavering as I knew the attack would well and truly knock Faith out.

My Mew was blasted through the wall behind me by the attack, her pained squeal almost forced me to my knees again but I managed to stay of me feet as I ran over to the hole created, desperately calling for my friend to be okay. I pushed rubble aside, throwing chucks of concrete out of my path until I found the broken figure of Faith. Her breathing was obviously strained, her tiny form gasping for air. I held her close, tears gathering in my eyes to see one of my Pokémon in such a state. Swallowing a hard breath, I returned her to her Pokéball, feeling my control slip in replace of an blaze of fury.

Hate. Anger. That's all I could think about. My Pokémon, my friends, we're being put through this for reasons they shouldn't have to. I shouldn't have to force them to battle, I shouldn't have to be fighting this stupid battle for my freedom. I turned my back on the hole made from the attack, not even trying to suppress my anger as I returned to my place on the battle field. Faith's Destiny Bond had done it's work, bring Ampharos down with her own attack but I hardly cared, one more battle and I could leave this nightmare and then I would end it--

I turned to my brother who was almost on his feet, concern written across his face as he gave me a sorrowful look but I met it with a determined one. I have four Pokémon left to defeat one. I could do it with my eyes closed but I wouldn't, I'd defeat these assholes, even if it killed me.

Word count: 1364

Yes this sucks, I'm sick so deal with it. =_=

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