11- Break down

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The moon was high in the sky, illuminating the forest just outside of Lumious city where I was right now. I was to angry to sleep or do anything right now, everything felt to wrong to do so, so I'd snuck out of the Pokemon centre while to others slept. I'd found a little park outside one of the gate ways so I lightly swinging myself on one of the swings.

Hope and Trust were sitting in the other, watching calmly while talking quietly to each other. I'd left Melody and Faith behind so if Silver figured out I wasn't at the Pokemon centre they could make sure he doesn't over react or anything.

Oh the joys of an over protective brother.

I dug the toes of my joggers into the dirt making a slight scraping sound and bringing the swing to a sudden stop. I tightened my grip on the chains until my knuckles turned a ghostly white colour and gritted my teeth, my eyes fixated in the scruffed up dirt. I felt like I had so many emotions swirling around inside I didn't know what to do about them, it felt like at any moment they could all come bursting out all at once. All the emotions I'd pushed away to stop myself feeling seemed to be swelling, rushing around inside at a sickening pace.

I jumped up from the swing and started pacing out of a sudden urge to move. The more I thought about the more annoyed I felt. Out of frustration I slammed my fist into a nearby tree, hearing a cracking sound for one of my fingers but at this point I couldn't care less as I slammed my fists into the tree over and over again.

"You keep going like that, the poor tree's going to press charges My dear."

I growled as spun around, shooting an Aura Sphere at Shadow. It missed by a long shot, hitting a bush instead making a bunch of scared Pokemon run off after being disturbed from they're sleep. "Fuck the hell off Shadow! I'm not fucking in the fucking mood to fucking put up with a fucking low life like you!"

"Oh ho, is that right? I must say Emma, I expected more from you by now. Though even when you disappoint you never cease to keep things interesting." He taunted.

I gritted my teeth as Hope and Trust jumped in front of me, growling at him. "What the fuck do you want Shadow?"

"Nothing much, just making sure that you'll stay out of my way."

I raised my fists, ignoring my broken finger while adrenaline ran though my veins. "And how the fuck do you plan on doing that?"

"Simple, I have a little proposition for you." He smirked.

"I don't fucking want to make any fucking deals with you." I said with disgust.

"Oh I think you'd want to here this one, after all, you are the key part of my plan. But I could go out if my way and make things easier for you, if not, I guess you won't be sleeping anytime soon." He said smartly with an amused smirk.

I narrowed my eyes but dropped my firsts. "I'm listening, but you better not be wasting any of my fucking time."

Shadow smirked in triumph. "You swear a lot for a fifteen year old." He said with a raised eyebrow. "By now I'm guessing Arceus told you about the missing Legendary Heart?"

"The one you stole, he might have mentioned it."

"Well I have big plans for it, but alas, with big plans needs big power, and of course we all know how much power you possess my dear, you've barely scratched the surface of what you can do. So of course the most efficient means of gaining power is to use you."

I raised my fists again, glaring at him. "And how the fuck do you plan on using me?"

Shadow just rolled his eyes and ignored my question. "But we both know that any recent attempts at using you for any power you possess hasn't exactly worked out so I looked and found another way. So my proposition is this, you stay out of my way and I'll leave you alone."

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