46- A day off

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The alarm sounded loud and clear, thrumming through my beating head like a hammer. I groaned in irritation as I pulled a pillow over my head in attempt to block out the noise. Needless to say, it didn't work but throwing the pillow at the security camera sure did. The hunk of metal and wires crashed to the ground with a large bang as the metal box hit the metal floor. For a few moments, I just stared at it absentmindedly before I simply shrugged it off and snuggling back into my other pillow. "Oops." I muttered to myself as Silver chuckled in amusement.

"Will you get in trouble for that?"

"I dunno... Probably." I replied, cracking open one eye to look at my big brother. "But that's nothing new."

I inwardly groaned when my sense of aura flickered to life, alerting me someone was coming, Kathrine of course with Shadow and a grunt. Pulling the blanket over my head, I retreated into the depths of the fabric, grumbling bitterly to myself.

"What are you doing?" Silver inquired, sounding unsure about my method of hiding from my biological mother.

I stuck a hand out from the covers, slowly counting down from five to zero before pointing to the door as the locked clicked. The trio entered the room as I retreated further into the warmth beneath my blanket. For a moment, Kathrine was silent before she sighed.

"Emma get out from under there."

"No." I replied, biting down on my lower lip as I smirked to myself.

Again, Kathrine sighed. "Now Emma." Hehe, she's getting impatient~!

I took a deep, over exaggerated breath in before replying. "No."

Kathrine sighed deeply for the third time, knowing that because of our little agreement, she couldn't threaten to harm Silver while I was in my 'room'. "Get out from under the covers or I will put Silver back where he belongs and you will spend the day on your own."

Well then...

Huffing irritably, I sat up, leaving the covers over my head for a moment before batting them away to death glare Team Rifts leader. "Happy?" Of course I knew it would end like this, Kathrine liked using the loopholes in our 'deals' against me in the worst ways, something I was growing more and more accustom to.

"Very much so." She replied flatly, narrowing her eyes at me. "Your last test proved successful with the data gathered so there will be no reason to repeat it."

I mentally sighed with relief. Over this past week, if I'd failed to meet the requirements of any tests over this past week, I'd have to redo it and I would rather have to kill myself then spend another 24 hours trapped in a pitchbalck room with my hallucinations.

"After the... Mental strain a test such as yesterday's would have no doubt caused, you will have today off--"

"Then what was the point of the fucking alarm?" I groaned, flopping back into bed. "I want to sleep."

"So I could talk to you." Kathrine replied. "You are not on vacation."

"You've already made that perfectly clear," I rolled my eyes. "and I've made it clear I would rather take a vacation to the fucking Distortion World with Giratina and his fucking barbecued Torchic then be here."

Kathrine pinched the bridge of her nose and sighed. "Since you haven't eaten in a day and a half, you will be expected to eat everything given to you today or there will be consequences and someone will be along shortly to fix your security camera again." She narrowed her eyes at that statement but I just shrugged... Needless to say, it wasn't my first time breaking it out of my bad mood mornings.

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