𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟎𝟒

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3rd POV

Chaos ran through the city. The screams of terror and pleading rang in the city as its citizens ran for their lives or hid from death. But no matter how quick they ran or how well they were able to hide, the titans still caught them. Not even prayers could save them.

"Until then, a man apart from God. O wretched was I." A preacher yelled out lines from the book he held. Believing that all would be good if he resided in God's words.

"And driven even as a plough by avarice. Now, thou behold, am I here punished if or it. Punished by the justice of God. Where covetousness leads, thou sees bourn. Upon the penance of these writhing, the mountain holds no greater pain. As greed has drowned out love for every good and right, so justice here doth chain."

Continuing to yell he ignored the yells of everyone. The disturbing last pleads of people as they were eaten alive. A woman begging the titan who held her by her head to not eat her.

"Tethered, captive, merged with the clay. And thus to remain so long as it pleases the Lord, fraught, fixed, earthen in heart and limb. What else may heavenly grace do for sins as ours?" Stopping what he was saying he noticed the shadow that loomed over him. Bringing his gaze up he froze. Beside him stood a titan.

Soon enough the preacher was in the hold of the titan. And even with facing death in its eyes, he continued to say his prayers.

"For we lifted n-not our eye to heights bequeathed...!" His book fell from his hold and onto a puddle of blood. Soaking the pages filled with God's word with blood. For not even God could save them from the creatures of the devil.


Tripping over her feet while being dragged behind Hannes tight hold- her mind was completely spaced out. Dry tears marked her cheeks as she remembered her mother's last words. Eren shared the same reaction as Y/n but he soon came to his senses.

Anger began to boil within him, his anger towards Hannes that is. Lifting his arm he pointed his elbow at the grown man and harshly gave a blow at Hannes's head. Taking the man out of his state of shock and into one of surprise.

"Eren? What's wrong?" Asking the brunette Hannes felt another blow to his head. Flinching at the hard hits.

"We could've saved her! We almost had her out! Why did you interfere?" Eren yelled out. It caught the attention of Mikasa as he lifted his head to look up at Eren. However, the loud screaming of Eren didn't reach Y/n's ears.

"I almost saved my mother!" Putting one last hit Hannes got enough of this and grabbed Eren's arm. Gripping it tight and threw the boy onto the ground. A grunt left Eren when he hit face-first onto the dirt road.


Calling out to Eren, Mikasa got himself out of Hannes's hold and ran to where Eren laid. Leaving Hannes alone who still held onto Y/n's small hand. Looking down at the girl Hannes let out a breath, he softened his hold on her hand and began to walk forward. Y/n followed after him.

"Eren." When in front of the boy he let go of Y/n's hand and got down on a knee. "The reason why your mother wasn't saved was that you were weak." Eren widen his eyes and in anger, he went to throw a punch at Hannes. Only for Hannes to catch his wrist midway.

"The reason why I wasn't able to stand up to the titan was that...I didn't have the courage!" Tears were falling down Hannes's eyes, Eren and Hannes making eye contact. Eren had stopped struggling under Hannes's hold and began to cry as well.

They stared at each other for a couple of seconds before Hannes stood up from the ground. Looking between Mikasa and Eren, Hannes looked beside him at Y/n, she lifted her head at him and she seemed to finally react.

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