Stuck With You (Teen Fiction/ Sci-Fi)

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Golden morning light spilled into the bedroom, highlighting the dust motes that drifted through the air. Ellie stood in the center of the room, surveying her surroundings. Crumbled graphics t-shirts, boxers and bunched up dark jeans littered the floor. On the desk, below the window, sat open text books, papers and a computer. Posters of rock bands were pinned to the wall, accompanied by a few with motorcycles, with scantily clad girls atop them.

Ellie wrinkled her nose at the posters and looked away. Her gaze dropped to the bed and the sleeping guy in it. A bare, muscular chest rose and fell in a deep heavy rhythm. Brown messy hair played across the smooth brow. Ellie made a face and shifted uncomfortably before she moved to the side of the bed, her footsteps making no noise. Beside the bed stood a night stand, upon which a phone lay.

Ellie watched the phone, waiting.

A second later the phone started vibrating, playing a loud pulsating rock song. The guy in the bed turned over, his eyes still closed and padded the phone, his finger finally muting the song. With a loud yawn, he rubbed his face. He pulled his hand away, revealing two dark gray eyes. For a long second he stared up at the ceiling, unaware of Ellie's presence in the room.

Ellie put a fist to her mouth and gave a quiet cough.

The guy looked over and let out a loud yelp if surprise. He rolled away and fell off the other side of his bed, landing with a loud thunk on the hard wood floor.

Slowly, he lifted his head and looked at Ellie standing on the other side. For a long second he just stared, taking in the teenage girl in front of him with wispy, chopped, honey blonde hair, light blue eyes, and a thin frame dressed in a pair of jeans and white v-neck shirt. Ellie cleared her throat, lifted her chin and spoke, taking on a deep resonant tone.

"Alex Jamison," she said. "I have come to warn you of the future and of what will happen if you do not change your ways."

Alex let out a shocked cruse.

"You are real," he said. "That wasn't a dream."

Ellie gave him a shy smile.

", it wasn't a dream, but I'm not sure if you could call me real."

Alex stayed rooted to the spot, his eyes still trained on Ellie. She looked around.

"Nice place you got here," she said.

Alex tore his gaze from her to scan the cluttered room. He looked back at her.

"Is it normal for ghosts to have a sense of humor?" he asked.

Ellie cringed and Alex stiffened.

"I prefer the term translucent being," she said. "And I don't know, I didn't get a manual and I haven't spotted any more of my brethren around."

Alex nodded, as his gaze drifted to his bed.

"Am I going mad?" he asked.

"How should I know?" Ellie said.

She flopped forward on to the bed, resting her chin in his hands. Alex fell backward, catching himself. For a long moment, they stared at each other. The door to Alex's room opened and a woman in her late forties peered in.

"Alex?" his mother said.

Alex's attention jumped from his mother to where Ellie lay on the bed. His mother looked down and smiled.

"Good," she said. "You're up. I have breakfast. Hurry up or you'll be late for school."

She went to close the door but Alex's shout stopped her.

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