Two Worlds (Sci-Fi)

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The front door swung shut behind Jamie, muffling the voices of her parents. Warm golden sunlight flickered through the trees over head, casting fluttering shadows at her feet. A light spring breeze rustled the leaves, sending them spinning like pinwheels. Jamie trotted across the street, her hand mindlessly touching a sore spot on the side of her head, as she walked up a sloped driveway.

"I think hitting that doorknob last night rattled my brain," Jamie said.

The dark haired guy, siting on the hood of a small sports car didn't bother looking up from the book in his hands.

"Whose to say you're brain wasn't already rattled before the accident," Seth said dryly.

"Funny. But I'm being serious."

"So was I."


"Jamie," he mimicked still not looking at her.

"You know how I usually don't remember my dreams."

"More proof of my theory."

Jamie scowled.

"Well last night I had this crazy vivid dream about some older guy with these extremely vivid blue eyes, like the color of the sea."

Seth's posture seemed to stiffen slightly.

"Where did the doorknob hit you?" he asked, finally looking up.

Jamie's light blue eyes met the soft green behind the black framed glasses before turning her head and pointing to the spot.

"You sure it was there?" he asked, his eyes narrowing.

"Yup, pretty sure, I have a lump the size of an egg because of it."

Seth dropped his book and slid off the hood, standing right beside Jamie, his hand reaching up and feeling the spot on her head. A frown formed on his brow as his finger touched the spot and Jamie let out a surprised yelp at the pain.

"Look at me," Seth said.

Jamie turned toward him, as Seth's hands held onto her upper arms, his eyes staring into her's but not seeing her. An annoyed scowled creased Jamie's brow but Seth was unperturbed.

"Hold still," he said.

"What are you doing?"

"Checking for concussion."

Jamie huffed but didn't move.

"Name?" Seth asked.

"Seriously, I'm fine, you're being dramatic."


With a blustering sigh, Jamie answered.

"Jamie Lance."

Seth's shoulders relaxed.


"You're over dramatic."


"Linda and Tom Lance, now am I free to go doc?"

Seth nodded and took a step back, smiling teasingly. Jamie crossed her arms, glaring at him. 

"Was there anything else to your dream that you remember?" Seth asked.

He scooped up his book and rounded to the side of the car. Jamie shrugged and hopped into the passenger side.

"Not really, isn't it enough that I remembered even that."

"Yea." Seth said, though his voice was distracted.

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