I wince at the pain that spreads through my body as I try to move. I feel exhausted from the little movements I'm attempting to do. Sucking up whatever little strength I have and trying to ignore the pain, I force myself into a sitting position with the hand that wasn't in a cast. I lean against the headboard of the bed as a wave of dizziness sweeps over me. The events of yesterday flash through my mind as I try to figure out what I was doing in this room.

Right, I got my ass beat, and met a potential sibling, all in that order within a day.

As soon as the thought is in my head the door to the bedroom opens. Three men walk in but stop halfway in. I recognized one of the guys, the one who called himself Diego.

The one called Diego makes his way to me while the other two stay rooted at the door, staring at me with curiosity.

"Clarissa, how do you feel?"

I stare at him, wondering what the hell is going on. "Like shit." I cautiously say. "I feel like someone hit me with a truck". I clear my throat and take a deep breath. "Where am I?"

Diego lightly touches my face but immediately pulls back when he sees me recoil from his touch.

"You're in my house, in my room."

"Who are they?" I look towards the other two guys at the door.

"My cousins. Our cousins; Daniel and Toni" They continue to stare at me as I shoot them a look of uncertainty. I don't miss the way Diego emphasizes on 'our'.

"Diego -"

He raises a finger stopping what I was going to say.

"You don't believe me, I know. But you will. You told me you were looking for your father. You'll be able to meet him in about an hour" He glances at the men, Daniel and Toni. They nod back at him, confirming his words.

I swallow back a lump that forms in my throat. "Santiago? Why can't I meet him right now?"

"He's not home. He had to, ah, deal with some business." He glances at Daniel and Toni again then back at me. "You can use my bathroom to freshen up." He points to a door on the other side of the room.

We all remain in silence, just glances at each other. I'm not sure what to do, what to say. This is definitely not what I was expecting. Then again, I wasn't sure what I was expecting to happen when I first got to Italy.

"We can do formal introductions later. Do you need help getting to the bathroom?"

As much as I want to tell him no, I decide against it. I was still exhausted so I just nod my head. I push back the covers from my body and freeze. I was wearing someone else's clothes. Who the hell changed me?

Diego laughs and shakes his head at me. Shit, did I say that out loud?

"Our housemaid changed you." He says as he helps me off of the bed and holds me up as we walk across to the bathroom. As if on cue, Daniel makes his way to the other side of the room and opens the bathroom door for us.

"I think I can manage from here."

"There are some spare clothes in the closet if you want to change."

Once I hear the door close behind me I slowly turn towards the mirror to my left. I knew that I would be bruised up but I didn't realize how bad my face would look.

One whole side of my face is covered in bruises and my left eye swollen. My arms are also covered up in bruises. No wonder they kept staring at me, I looked like a punching bag.

The Mafia's Possession (Ongoing, Being Edited)Where stories live. Discover now