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Light Streak's POV

I soon woke up. I looked around and saw that I'm some kind of lab and humans with clipboards are surrounding me. I tried to get up but felt restraints all over my body.

"Let me go!!!!" I roared that made some of the humans jump in fear and surprise. I shock of energy ran through my body making me whimper in pain. I tried to get away from the humans but every time I try I get a higher voltage of electricity.

This continue on for like forever but I know it was just an hour or so in the human time.

"No, no! Stop! You got to stop! Stop! Stop! Stop! No, no, stop, stop, stop! Let him go! Let him go!" I heard Sam shout as the experiments on me stopped. I tried to catch my breath as I sat up.

"Are you okay? They didn't hurt you right?" I heard Sam say as I stood up on my peds and transformed my servo into a canon pointing it all at the humans surrounding me especially when my eyes landed on Simmon. "You!" I growled pointing my cannon at Simmon's direction.

"M-me? W-what did I do!?" He asked looking around frantically. "I guess he doesn't like you Simmons." I heard someone say as I turned my optics at them I saw that it was a old man with white hair. "Who are you?" I asked the old man but still keeping my cannons at Simmons.

"I'm John Keller. The defense secretary." He said with a hint of nervousness. I chuckled and extended my right servo towards him "Nice to meet you Keller." I said as John shook my index finger rather awkwardly.

I turned my head towards SImmons. "And you." I growl and moved my face close to his. Simmons were shaking on his feet as he looked into my bright blue optics. "I guess we didn't got into a great start. I'm Light Streak." I said extending my pointer finger at his direction. "S-Simmons." He stuttered out shaking my finger.

I smirked. " I suggest you get to my good side or you will die in a blink of an eye." I said darkly standing up in my real height."Y-yes." He squeaked out.

"Light!!! The All spark is here!" Sam shouted making my optics widen in surprise. "Take me to it before the Decepticreeps get it!" I said in a panicked tone. I transformed my servos back to normal and followed the humans towards a gigantic room and at the middle of the All Spark.

I stare at the large cube in awe as it holds Cybertronian's life/spark. I slowly lifted up my hands to touch the All Spark. "Okay, here we go. He doing something. He doing something." I heard a soldier said. I looked at the soldier and gave him a face.

"Please be quiet." I snapped not in the mood for things like this. "O-ok, j-j-just c-continue." He stuttered out pointing at the All Spark. I just growl in response and gently touched the cube. The cube then became smaller.

I was suddenly sucked on some kind of vision. I stood at the middle with 4 Cybertronian surrounding me.

"Hello Light, my son." The tallest one said. I looked up at him in shock. "S-son? P-Primus?" I asked shocked that .....Primus is my father!!!

"Yes, son. I am Primus, your real father." He said as I can see a smile on his face. "W-why am I here?" I asked looking around.

"I am here to warn you, son. Great danger will approach the Autobots and you need to help them and the humans. Light, I trust you with our last kind. I know this is a big job but you will have some powers you will discover." Primus, dad, said.

I stood frozen on my spot. "I-I have a question." I stuttered in fear of what the answer might be. "Are you still alive?" I asked taking a step forward.

"Yes, all four of us primes are still online and I'm afraid that we can't do anything to help you my boy. I'm sorry." He said with slight sympathy.

Then everything started to slowly fade away. "Wait!!! I just want to tell you that ...... I love" I shouted hoping he heard it.

"I love you too son. I hope you and Ratchet have a nice future." I heard him say before I'm back to Earth.

I slowly blink my optics and looked down on the humans. "Are you ok?" Sam asked worry etched on his face. I gave him a half hearted smile. "I'm fine. Let us go Sam. Mikaela." I said as I transformed into a futuristic car that can fly and hover. (Pic below)

All the humans stared at me in awe

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

All the humans stared at me in awe. "Let's go!" I said slightly annoyed that everyone just keeps staring at me like I'm a property.

Everyone jumped in surprise and scurried off. Sam and Mikaela hopped inside my Alt mode and I didn't bother with my holo form.

I then flew/drove away from the base followed by the soldiers.

Ratchet X Male Cybertronian readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن