Falling Asleep

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Light Streak's POV

Three months have passed by since the Chicago Incident. The government of America decided that it's ok for us to stay on their planet for the time being.

We still fight the remaining Decepticons on planet Earth. So far it's good, there only have been two attacks and the Decepticons are easier to fight because they don't have much energy or weapons left since Megatron died.

We are currently at a military base where we are supposed to stay.
I'm currently downloading holo forms into the Autobots. Oh, yeah! I forgot to tell you that new bots joined us. Their names are Arcee, Chromia, Elita-1, Mudflap, Skids, Sideswipe and Jolt.

Sideswipe is an Autobot Combat Instructor that turns into a Silver Chevrolet Stingray Concept. An expert fighter with his swords and tries to get in close to his opponents. He is armed with two retractable Cybertanium arm blades in robot mode, along with a double-barreled machine gun on each of his wrists and a gun on his back.

Jolt is a Blue Chevrolet Volt. Being an electric car, Jolt's weapons are a pair of electric whips.

Arcee is a female Autobot who transforms into a Pink Ducati 848 retro SBK motorcycle.

Chromia Is Arcee's sister, she transforms into a Blue Suzuki B-king 2008 retro SBK motorcycle.

Elita-1 is Arcee and Chromia's sister who transforms into a Purple MV Agusta F4 retro SBK motorcycle.

Skids and Mudflap are twins, I like to call them 'The T twins', they came here after we fought the Decepticons three months ago.

We each have stations designed for us and humans monitor or helps us with our training. But Ratchet is more grumpy than ever because of the Trouble Twins doing a lot of pranks on him. He was currently at his makeshift lab at the base.

Typing things up while grumbling and swearing in Cybertronian language. I walked over to him and put my helm oh his shoulder.



"Stop working."



"Because I'm in a bad mood."

"Come with me!" I said tugging at his servo. He groans but did what was told. I dragged him to the roof of the base and we sat down looking at the sunset.

"Why are you grumpy?" I asked with a smirk playing on my lips. He growled and answered in an annoyed voice, "How could I not be? I mean that everything is good except for the Terror Twins doing pranks on me every thirty minutes!!!" He shouted in aggravation.

I pulled him close to me as he laid his helm on my shoulder. "I'll try and talk to them about it. I'll do anything to make you less grumpy and happier." I said pecking his lips. I can feel him smile as he let out a sigh of relief.

"Thank you, Light." He muttered as he snuggled closer to me. I put my arms around him and rested my helm above his. "No problem Sweet Spark." I said smiling.

I continued to stare at the sunset. I noticed that Ratchet became quiet, very quiet. I looked down and saw his optics closed and he has a relaxed face on. 'AWWWW~ He fell asleep! He's so cute!!~' I mentally fangirl or fanboy as I continue to stare at him.

I pulled out my phone, from Will, and took a picture of us. I made the picture as my lock screen and grinned. I looked up and noticed that the sun had already set and the stars are coming out.

I yawned and laid down on the roof, I placed Ratchet's helm above my Spark. I hugged him close to me as I muttered, "Good night Ratch." As I fall asleep.

EXTEND !!!!!!


No one's POV

The Terror Twins quietly climb up the base and soon they came to the roof. They slowly tiptoed towards the pair. "What prank should we do to them?" Skidds asked smiling mischievously towards his twin brother.

"How about we dump oil all over them?" Mudflap suggested smirking as he pictured the prank. What they didn't know is that Light is recording this and he is wide awake.

Light opened one optic and tilted his helm up looking at the Terror Twins. He gently, quietly, stood up removing Ratchet and laying him down the ground. Light stood up with an 11-foot wrench on his left servo and a GIANT frying pan on his right servo.

He then slowly walked towards the unsuspected twin. "Well, well, what do we have here? The Terror Twins wanting some dents. Tell me, are you ready to feel the pain?~" Light asked in an insane kind of voice.

The twin froze and slowly turn their helm and saw Light towering over them with a GIANT frying pan and an 11-foot long wrench. They shared a look and gulped.

The others woke up from a pair of girly screams coming from the roof. All the humans and Autobots wondered what that is but they all just shrug and got ready for the morning.

"UWAHHHH!!!! PLEASE HAVE MERCY!!!" Skidds and Mudflap shriek as they are being chased by Light with a frying pan and wrench in hands.

"Hehehehe! You won't have any mercy since you have been doing pranks on Ratchet! I'm gonna have LOTS of fun with you two!!" Light said grinning like a madman running after the Terror Twins.

On the background, Ratchet was laughing his aft off while videoing the scene in front of him. Oh, how he's gonna blackmail these two.

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