Cleaning. Not!

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Light Streak's POV

After what happened this morning.... I would say that the Autobots are shocked and amused at what they saw. Skidds and Mudflap with dents all over their frame while me and Ratchet are laughing.

Right now we're just cooling off because of the extreme heat today. "Whew! Why is it so hooottt today?" I whined while fanning myself (currently on Holo form).

I then saw William and Epps coming towards me with a smirk. Oh no. That smirk is a BAD news!

"Can I help you?" I asked with a poker face on.

"Well, since today is the hottest day..." William said.

"You need to-" I didn't let Epps finish. I raised my hand shutting them up. "I know what you're gonna saying and my answer is N.O." I said with a glare.

"But you need to since your the only one whining in the base." William said his smirk getting wider.

"And the others really need it." Epps finished. I stood up and stomp over to the base and took a hose, bucket, soap and sponge. If I didn't agree they will just force me or drag me.

I walked back but Mudflap decided to jump and sit on my back. I stumbled forward but quickly steadied myself. "What the frag are you doing!?!?!" I shouted in irritation.

"Just getting a ride." He said smirking. I sigh and continue to walk to the Autobot's Alt modes.  Once I got there I am clearly gonna collapse. "Holy Shit! What do you weight?" I asked, dropping the equipment to the ground.

"A couple of tons.....not much." He said innocently. I can clearly see that everyone is amused on what's happening. ASSHOLES!

"Get off!" I commanded but he didn't budge but instead he sat on my shoulders! I can feel my bones going to break.

"Nah. You gotta strengthen up a bit." Mudflap teased. I gasp and he started to bounce on my shoulders. The rest of the Autobots just watched. Yeah, they just WATCHED me SUFFER!!

"Get off of my shoulders!!! Now or I'll do something.... mean to you!!!" I threatened. That isn't even threatening!! "Nope!" He said popping the 'p'.

I suddenly smirk as I thought of a great idea. "To the LAKE!!!" I shouted as I grasp his legs.

"Wait WHAT!?!? NOOO!!! I don't want to be wet!!!" Mudflap said and started to struggle. I stood up stumbling back a little. I then ran towards the lake near the base followed by Will and the Autobots(In their Holo forms).

We soon arrive at the lake, I smiled as I was about to throw Mudflap in but Ratchet ran forward stopping me in my tracks. "What?" I asked slightly annoyed. "Our Holo forms might not survive the water!!" Ratchet exclaimed a little panicked.

I snorted. "Please! I know the Holoforms will survive it! Except if he doesn't know how to swim." I said tapping my chin fake thinking.

"Murder!! Assault!! Rape!!" Mudflap yelled out random topics. I scrunched up my nose in disgust. "EWWW!!! Oh, well." I said and chucked him in the water which earned us a girly scream.

Mudflap soon emerges from the water while doing the doggy paddle as he swam back to the edge of the lake. I erupted with laughter as he was drenched in water. Mudflap huffed in annoyance while crossing his arms over his chest. He then glared at me as he stood beside Skidds.

"Never mess with me, GLITCH!!" I shouted as I sassily flipped him off and started walking back to the base, but I got pulled back by...wet...arms? Oh, Hell NAW!!!

Suddenly, I was thrown in the air. I grinned as I curled up in a ball-like position while screaming, "CANNONBALL!!!!" I then splashed at the cold, refreshing water. I swam back to the surface and started swimming in circles.

"I think.....I'm gonna stay here for a bit." I  said smiling a little. I dive back into the water but I saw pulled up by strong arms. I frowned, confused. I turned around and saw Ratchet holding me by the waist with his lab coat on.

"What are you doing in the lake?" I asked confusion all over my face. "Having fun." He said then he splashed me. I gasp and splashed him back while laughing. Then Mudflap, Skidds and Bee joined in. I swam back to the edge and slowly sneak up on a shock Optimus.

I pushed him in while saying "In you go!" Optimus didn't get a chance to protest as he was pushed into the lake. I then turned to Ironhide smirking. "What's the matter Hidey? Scared of the water?" I asked in a baby voice.

He growled and muttered some colourful words under his breath. I pushed him in while he was distracted, he yelps in surprise as he was meet with the cold water.

I laugh then cannonball near where Ratchet is. Everyone then started t join in with us.

I smirked.

No vehicle cleaning today! Yeah, boi!

I'm the best at excuses!!

Ratchet X Male Cybertronian readerWhere stories live. Discover now