An A-

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Light Streaker's POV

I'm currently listening to Sam talking about his great, great grand-dad, Archibald Witwicky. (Idk if I spelt that right.)

The bell finally rang, I stood up and gathered my stuff. I heard Sam telling the teacher his 'Life speech' about having a car, I just rolled my eyes and walked out of the school going towards my adoptive parent, Ron Witwicky.

"Hi, dad." I said, my head buried in my book. The book is titled 'The Giver', it's about a boy named Jonas who is chosen as a 'Receiver of Memory'.

"How's school?" Dad asked looking at me. I just shrug my shoulders and muttered. "Like the usual."

Sam then came running towards us screaming, "I GOT AN A!!!! IT'S NOT AN A+ BUT ITS STILL AN A!!!" He hopped in the car frantically waving the paper in front of Ron.

"Wait!! Don't move I can't see it!!!" Dad shouted at Sam. "We're good right?" Sam asked with a serious face on. "Yeah, were good." Ron said smiling a little.

We started to drive towards a Porsche car dealership, Sam started to get excited. "Oh no! No! No! No! No!! Dad!! You've got to be kidding me!!" Sam screamed in excitement.

I just smirked as Ron started to drive towards an old car shop with hand me down cars. "Yeah, I am. Do you really think that I'll buy you a Porsche for your first car? Your not getting a Porsche." Ron said with a laugh.

I laugh but covered it with a cough as I saw Sam's excited face turn into a disbelief and disappointment. We got out as Sam looked around grumpy. "What is this dad? You said half a car not half a scrap!" Sam complained looking at all of the old, used cars.

I just rolled my eyes. "Be more grateful Sam. Isn't an engine and four wheels enough?" I asked a little irritated. Ron nodded in agreement. "He's right you know."

Sam started talking about a 40-year-old virgin and a 50-year-old virgin. An African man, who I assumed was the owner, then came towards us. "Hello there, I'm Bobby Bolivia, nice to meet you." He said shaking our dad's hand.

"I have my son here. He's going to buy his first car." Tom said outing a hand on Sam's shoulders.

"You've come to see me?" He asked a little touched.

I walked away from the scene and started to look around. A beat-up yellow Camaro with black stripes caught my eyes. I walked towards it and opened the driver's door.

I sat down and looked around. "Not bad." I said smiling a little. I run my thumb over the horn and saw a symbol.

I looked a closer look and saw that it was an Autobot insignia.

A-a Auto bot. Here? How? Why? I taught in disbelief as my eyes widen.

I felt someone poking my cheeks. I snapped out of my daze and looked up and saw Sam. "Is this ok Sam?" I asked pointing to the Camaro.

Sam looked around the car and whistled. "Dad! This one!" Sam said pointing at the Camaro. Dad walked towards us and nodded his head. "How much for this one?" Ron asked Bobby.

His expression was confused. He then started yelling but I just ignored them. I pushed up my glasses and sigh.

"Blah, blah, blah, five grand!" Bobby announced holding up five fingers.

"I'm only paying four grand." Dad said shaking his head. "Come on get out." Bobby said looking at me. "No, no! You said cars pick their drivers!" Sam said matter of factly.

I didn't understand what he said next but I got out of the car and slammed the door shut which causes the other side of the car door to open up crashing towards a smaller car.

I sigh as Bobby started shouting at his employees again. I opened up my book and started reading, ignoring the world around me.

I was getting to the good part but a sudden alarm made me look up from my book and saw that all the car windows are shattered because of the Camaro.

Bobby stood up weakly, holding up four fingers. "Four Grands."

Dad gave him four grand and were on our way back home with a happy Sam.

Ratchet X Male Cybertronian readerWhere stories live. Discover now