22. Hello, Mother.

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Monday Night


A waitress gave us a glass of wine. I told Perrie what kind it was, but considering that she doesn't speak French, she liked the way it rolled off my tongue. We walked around for a bit and talked to some of my friends and family members. Liam and Louis were here as well. I introduced Perrie to everyone we talked to as my girlfriend, but kept that baby part a secret. I wanted my mother to be the first person to know.

...and how long have you known each other?

"Close to three months," I reply to my aunt.

"I've never really seen Zayn date someone so beautiful before," my uncle says fist bumping me.

Perrie smiles, "Why, thank you."

"Have you seen my mother?" I ask.

"She's somewhere here," my uncle says. If we see her, we'll direct her your way."

Thank you.

I spotted Louis and Liam on the balcony. We walked over to them in which their outstretched arms covered Perrie's body in hugs. She hadn't even known them for that long, but they liked her. I was glad my friends were happy with this relationship. It was a first.

"I knew this would happen," Louis says shaking my hand.

"What finally changed your mind?" Liam asks.

"I love him to pieces," Perrie says. "He brought me here even though--"

"My mum said she didn't want to meet Perrie," I say cutting her off.

"She is a piece of work," Louis says. "She doesn't like me either."

"Join the club," Liam says.

"So are you going to stay with him," Louis says, "because he was literally crying after you left on Saturday."

"I was not," I retort. "Don't believe that."

"I don't," Perrie says. "He's not that sensitive."

Zayn! How is mama's boy...

Her voice made me cringe. I turned around and looked at my mother. She didn't smile, but she didn't seem pissed off either. She wore a scarlet colored pants suit from by Giorgio Armani. She gives me a hug then looks back and Liam and Louis; giving them a disgraceful look.

"Hello, Mother," I say.

"I heard you were looking for me," she says clasping her hands together. "It's been so long since I've seen you Doctor."

"You're always busy," I reply. "I thought dress code said to wear all black, yeah?"

"You know me," she laughs. "I don't follow the crowd. I just make the rules."

"Where's Dad?" I ask.

"He's somewhere around here," Mother says. "I should go find him."

"Actually, I want you to meet someone," I say grabbing Perrie's hand.

"Didn't I tell you not to bring her?" she says. Perrie let's go of my hand. "There's this nice girl named Gigi I want you to meet."

"Mother, please," I say. "I've told you time and time again that I don't want to be with Gogo Ratdid. Do you even remember that she use to bully me in school?"

"But she's rich and I'm sure, with your good looking inherited by me and slightly, but less than likely your father, that she'll want to make that up to you," she says walking off into the crowd of people.

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