7. Lying

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Monday Evening


As soon as I left Zayn's office, I went Jade and Jesy's dorm with Leigh-Anne. She picked me up a few blocks away from Zayn's work. I told her where I was and what I was doing there. She wanted to know everything. Though I could tell her, I didn't feel comfortable saying anything yet. I trusted her, yes. But I have two other best friends who would want to know this inside information. I want to keep this part of my life a secret for right now; even from Leigh-Anne.

We pulled into the parking lot of the building where the girls stayed. As I stepped out the car, I felt like people were staring at me. But they weren't it was all this built up anxiety and nerves of someone finding out I had a sugar daddy. I just wanted to remain low key about all of this. I would hate to get the attention, be in the paper, the news. It all sounds so frightening.

"Hey, Leigh. Perrie," Jesy says answering the door. She looked at me like I was hiding something; which I was, but she couldn't know that.

"Hi," we say simultaneously as we entered the dorm room.

"Where did you go last night? We went looking for you and couldn't find you," Jade says.

"I went to see my parents," I lied sitting on the couch.

"Okay, parents," Leigh-Anne jokes. I roll my eyes.

"Do you think I'm lying?" I ask.

Well, you aren't the best liar, Pez.

I hung out with the girls for the rest of the day. Zayn was at work and I kind of missed him after our time at his office. I wanted to hang out with him. I know the rules say that I'm not suppose to love him, but I really do like him. I think that I can change him so he can leave the club and we can be in a normal relationship.

I was lying down on the couch and felt my phone buzzing in my pocket. It was Leigh-Anne asking me where I really was last night. I know I shouldn't tell her, but she introduced me to this lifestyle. It's the least I could do and if Zayn doesn't know it won't hurt anyone.

P: I was w Zayn last night.

L: I know. If you were going to see your mum&dad u would've asked us to go w you.

P: I didn't tell you bc I feel bad 4 not telling Jade and Jess.

L: I know how u feel. I kept quiet for a while before I asked if I could invite you.

P: do it get easier?

L: no, tbh... sometimes i want to tell yall everything, but i know i can't.

P: have u thought about asking jade and jesy to join?

L: they have boyfriends, remember?

P: u had a boyfriend then you suddenly broke up with him.

L: jordan was a dick and everyone knew it. andre gray is so much better, he such a man.

"What is going on over there?" Jade says looking up from her laptop.

"It's nothing," I reply.

"No, it's definitely something," Jesy says.

"I was telling Pez about this guys I'm talking to," Leigh-Anne says.

"What is he like?" Jade asks.

It's not important. I'm not really feeling him...

I deleted the messages between Leigh-Anne and I even though that would seem a little more suspicious if Jade or Jesy decided to look through my phone. I have never a day in my life lied to my girls. It felt wrong. I wouldn't be able to keep this up. I scrolled through my social media feeds for a while before my phone went off disturbing the peace that was once in the room.

"Hey, Perrie," Zayn says. "Where are you?"

"I'm with my friends," I answer. Leigh-Anne looks over to me. "Are you still at work?"

"Yes," he replies. "I just finished talking to your dad."

"Did he get the job?" I ask.

"Mr. Edwards starts work next Monday," Zayn says. "He's your normal neighborhood psychologist; nothing like me, so you don't have anything to worry about."

"That's so amazing! Thank you so much," I reply. "You have to let me pay you back."

"I'm gonna let you pay me back, alright," he says.

Do you have some ideas for this payback mister...

I looked around the room and the girls were staring at me with eagerness and the determination to know what I was talking about with whom. I grabbed my purse and walked out the room whilst they yelled for me to come back so we could talk about my phone conversation.

"We can meet up tonight," Zayn says. "I'll have a car sent to your dorm around seven."

"Alright," I reply walking towards the elevator. "That sounds great. Should I bring something? Wine? Food?"

"I'll order some Indian takeaway and you can pick it up for us," he replies.

"Will do," I say. "I'll see you later."

Bye, love.

I started my way out of the building as I hung up the phone. I told the girls I was leaving and took the tube to go across town to my parents house. I stopped at a flower shop and picked up my dads favorite before I made it there.

I saw my parents quite often. We were so close knit, but every time we see each other it's like a reunion. We always have something new to talk about or new jokes to say. I had so much going on in my life right now, but I couldn't tell them about it.

"Congratulations, Dad!"

"Thank you, Pep," Dad says hugging me. "I'm so glad to be getting back to work."

"Me, too," Mum replies. "Now well have enough money to get our baby through university."

"So, how do you know Mr. Malik, Perrie?" Dad asks. We sit at the table in the kitchen while Mum gets a vase and water for the flowers.

"I met him at school." I say. It technically wasn't a lie. "He was teaching a seminar about Sexual Erotology. I asked him if he could help me write my thesis."

"His field of study is rather different, yeah?" Mum says sitting with us.

"It is, but that's why I wanted to talk to him," I reply. "Anyways, I was telling him about you and he said he could get you a job. I didn't think you would mind."

"You have no idea what this means to me, to us," Dad says grabbing onto Mum's hand.

"You know I'd do anything to help us get through," I say, "anything."

"I say we go out and celebrate, yeah?" Mum says.

"Sounds great!" Dad replies.

"I actually have plans tonight," I say getting out of my seat. "Maybe another time?"

"Of course, Perrie, Mum says.

But you two have fun. I love you. See you soon.

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