6. Antidepressants

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Monday Morning


I woke up next to negative space. Perrie texted me saying that she called Kirk and got a ride to school. I didn't text her back. I'd speak to her later. I got ready for work as usual and went off to starts my days as a Psychological Erotologist. 

"Why are you here today?" I ask getting my notepad and pen out.

"Our employer sent us here because she says we have a sex problem," Mr. Anderson says.

"That's different," I scratch my head. "I usually deal with people opposite your situation."

"We can't get enough of each other," Mrs. Anderson replies. "It's like we're still in the honeymoon phase even though we've been married for over thirty years."

"We do it in the bathroom at work, secretly at family gathering, we were down stairs in the lobby earlier touching..."

"All that I can really say to you is stop," I reply quickly cutting Mr. Anderson off, "but you can take some antidepressants to kill your sex drive. Meaning, you can still do it, but it won't be as frequent. How many times a day would you say it happens?"

Once a day; maybe seven times during the week...

Honestly, that appointment was enough for me today. To make things worse, it lasted four an hour and a half. But they were my only meeting today so that was good thing. I couldn't listen to them any longer. Just imagine your parents talking like that. Though I couldn't judge them for the continuous sex drive. If I keep up this sugar daddy thing, that'll be me in a few years.

I did have some paper work I had to do, but I wasn't really up for it. Work was quiet to day. I texted Perrie to see where she was. She was in her dorm and had just finished class for the day. I told her to meet me at my work place in an hour for some good time fun. I kind of needed it after the Wilson's interesting appointment.

I was down in the lobby waiting for her just in case she got lost in the big building. I was talking to the receptionist while I waited. Her name is Wanda. She was a rather tall, mulatto woman, with hair down her back, grey eyes, and a beautiful smile.

... and they were literally feeling up on each other right over there.

I shake my head shamefully, "I know. They told me."

"Hi, Mr. Malik," Perrie says walking towards me. I had texted her when I got to work to meet me here for some good time rendezvousing.

"Who is this lovely lady?" Wanda says leaning over the counter.

"My name is Polly," Perrie says holding her hand out for Wanda to shake. "Mr. Malik is helping me write a thesis paper on the concept of physiological erotology and its origin."

"That's interesting," Wanda says. "Why this subject in particular?"

"I knew no one would talk about it and it just seemed -- well, interesting," Perrie replies. "I looked up some doctors in the field and here I am."

"We should get going, yeah?" I say showing Perrie to the elevators.

Nice to meet you.

I like how she covered that up. I was actually kind of scared about what she would say. But Perrie did a good job. I have a good one.

"How long did it take you to come up with that one?" I ask.

"A couple of minutes," Perrie breaths. "I had to figure out what to say if someone questions us."

"That was really good," I say patting her back.

I just hate lying. It felt bad.

We entered my office. Perrie looked around at how big it was. I made her a drink as she got comfortable in my desk chair.

"You want to have sex so that the whole city can see us? I thought this was a secret," she says playing with the Rubik's Cube on my desk.

"The windows are tinted on the outside, the walls are sound proof, and we're on the eighteenth floor. No one will be able to see or hear us," I say. "You can get as loud as you want to."

"Have you ever done this here?" Perrie asks.

"Never," I reply looking out at the city. "The women I have slept with never knew where I worked."

"The why are you letting me know?" she says standing beside me.

You're different from the other girls. I trust you. C'mon let's get this started, shall we?

I pressed my lips to Perrie's soft ones and walked us over to the couch on the far end of the room. I laid down first; pulling her body on top of me. She took off her jacket an threw it on the floor before pressing her lips back to mine.

I was gonna fuck you, but I wanna explore your body right now. Clothes off; slowly.

Perrie stood in front of me as I sat down on the couch. She started with her skinny jeans; tugging them down as slowly as she possible could. She had on cognac panties. They came from Victoria's Secret. Next, her sweater. She stretched it over her head; revealing that she was in fact not wearing a bra. Her nipple piercing excited me.

Can you put your hair in a ponytail?

And she did. I though Perrie would be a little shy about this. She seemed that way the first time I met her. She seemed delicate and soft. That's why I was so fond of her. But seeming her like this; not afraid, confident, and beautiful... Well, I think I might be in love with her. She looked so good. She was so young. She was what every Sugar Daddy could dream of having. Obedient yet fierce. Good girls, but can be bad at the same time. It was hard to find girls like this these days.

I had Perrie walk around my office for me. Her bum jiggles with her cute little walk. I threw things around the office floor for her to bend over and pickup for me. I was so satisfied with Perrie right now. This was exactly what I was looking for in a baby and I got that from her. I wonder what else Perrie had to offer me.

I bent her over my desk; letting my hands explore every curve of her body. She was so petite, but thick at the same time. Her body was almost proportional. Her breast, I could look at them for days, and fondle them every chance that I get. They were so plush looking and felt so soft like a baby's bottom. Her nipple piercing glistening in the sunlight from the window.

She had such long legs; big and small in the right places. She was slightly muscular, but not noticeable unless you stared at her the way I do. Perrie's legs are the ladders to heaven. Her long legs stretch from the trebling ground to the a bliss of her figured hips. When I looked upon her from head to toe, it seems as though the beauty of her legs continue to linger, from her waist to the tip of her toes.

Perrie's lips were pillow soft. I traced my finger along the outline of them. I stuck my thumb in her mouth making her suck it for me.  Later, when they argued, he longed for them, mourning when they became thin and cruel. I smirked then part my lips; sticking my thumb in my mouth. Perrie bit her bottom lip.

Eyes; my favorite thing about her. Perrie's stare was fiercely soft, as a lioness toying with her next meal. Her electric blues made me feel her soul was my place of worship. As I am looking into her deep blue eyes, I am reminded of a distant memory.

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