16. Mother

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Saturday Night


I laid Perrie on the bed and kissed up an down her neck; leaving love marks behind. She covered her skin in makeup everyday to hide what I had done to her. If she could show them off she would; proudly. That's what she told me. One of my hands starts wandering about Perrie's body. It slides down her side, over her hip and down her thigh to the hemline of her skirt. I push her skirt up over her thick thighs. She sighs gently as I rub her slit back and forth before slidding her panties to the side; two fingers slip inside.

I smile wickedly as I drop to my knees; my head leveled to her soft pinkness. I grab her waist and pull her toward me so that her calves dangle over my shoulders, then take a deep breath and dive in. I work my tongue between her delicate inner lips and forcing my fingers into her tightness. Perrie lets out a sexy whimper. I seal my mouth around her lips. flicking her with my tongue. She shrieks in pleasure and grabs me by the back of my head.

I stand up and look at Perrie who is panting like a dog who ran after a Frisbee. She smiles at me as her lip falls between her teeth. I lay on top of her and kiss her like I wouldn't be able to tomorrow. She starts to unbuckle my belt to get into my trousers. When she gets around to finishing, I pump myself into Perrie faster and faster. She grabs at the sheets around her to stay in place and pushes her body against mine.

A few minutes later I feel myself start to get close to a climax. I turn Perrie over and position her on her hands and knees. Perrie rotates her body on me as I push into her bum. I grab her hips again and starts to thrust into you from behind. Perrie's hand are on the bed rails. They began making a squeaking noise as I pushed her back and forth. My bed has never made that noise until I met Perrie.

"Oh, my God, Zayn," Perrie breaths slightly pushing me off of her.

I whisper into her ear, "Do you want me to stop?"

"Yes, please," she says. "We haven't had sex in a long time--"

"And you didn't realize how big I was," I reply laying on the bed beside her. "Thank you. I like compliments."

"You're welcome," Perrie laughs, "I missed you."

"I missed you, too," I kiss her face. "Dinner with your parents the other night was fun."

"They really think we should be together," she says.

It would be nice...

I went to the kitchen to finish the meal I had been preparing for Perrie before she arrived and distracted me with her sexy body. I usually took her out to nice restaurants, but I enjoyed the more intimate moments of being alone together and having the ability to do what I want with her whenever I want to do it. Sometimes we wouldn't eve eat dinner, because of our urges.

Perrie was in the room getting dressed. I had picked out an outfit for her to wear. It was a simple satin dress that would be easy for me to get her out of so we could start round two. I haven't been able to touch her the way I wanted to for a long time and I was going t push her past all of her limits. Tonight could get interesting.

"Hello, Mother," I say upon answering the phone.

"Hi, love," she replies. "I'm having a dinner party next Monday. Are you available?"

"I think so," I say sitting on the cabinet. "Can I bring a plus one?"

"As long as it's not one of your disgusting sugar babies," Mother says. I roll my eyes.

"She's different that the others," I say quietly, looking through the hallway for Perrie.

"That's what you said about the last two," she laughs

"I know what I said, but--"

Mum cuts me off, "But nothing," she says. "Come alone. You'll meet a nice girl here; one you don't have to pay for sex."

"You make this sound like prostitution," I say,

"That's basically what this is;" Mum replies, "just a bunch of young and pretty gold diggers wanting the money of old, successful men who don't care about anyone, but themselves and their bank accounts."

"Isn't that how you met dad, mother?" I ask.

"Don't you dare--" she stops herself. "I'll call you tomorrow when you have a better attitude, Zayn. Ciao, love."

This wasn't going to settle well with Perrie. I could already feel it. She doesn't take rejection very well. I know it's not normal in the Sugar Daddies Club for sugar babies to meet our parents and yes-- I've told my mum that the last girl was different, but I need her to believe me this time. I would think she would understand me because she met my dad when he was almost 20 years older then her. They worked together in an office building and he was her boss.

"It smells amazing in here," Perrie says walking up behind me as I was getting plates out of the cabinets.

"Thanks," I say. "I made Seared Steak and Polenta with Chimichurri."

"That sounds great," she says kissing my back. "I'll get some wine."

"We need to talk, Perrie," I say turning to look at her.

"About what?" she asks grabbing two glasses from the glass rack.

"My mum is having a dinner party in a few days," I say. "I asked her if I could bring you and she said no."

"I don't understand," Perrie looks at me. "Why would she say no?"

"She doesn't want you around because you're a sugar baby," I reply. I could see her getting angry. "She wants me to meet someone else. She doesn't think that you are good enough."

"What do you think about all of this?" she asks consistently tightening and loosening the cork on the wine bottle.

"It doesn't matter what I think," I say.

"So you're going to listen to her? You're not a child anymore, Zayn," Perrie argues. "You live in your own condo, make your own money and you're letting her decide--"

"You have to understand--"

She cuts me off, "I don't have to understand a damn thing. You obviously don't care that much about me to go against what your mother says."

"I do care about you, but--"

"But what?" she asks cutting me off again.

"I wish there was something that I could do," I say. "I'm sorry, Perrie."

"I'm sorry too, Zayn," Perrie says grabbing her jacket off the coat rack and slipping into her Adidas. "I can't believe you're listening to your mummy after all we'd been through. I'd like to think that I mean a lot more to you for you to care so much of what your mum thinks about you and what you do or me."

"Where are you going?" I ask walking after her. Perrie opens the door and is halfway down the hallway to the elevators.

It's doesn't matter where I'm going. I don't want you to find me.

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