5. It's Just Rules

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Sunday Afternoon


"What're you doing tonight?" I ask parking the car in front of her dorm.

"I'm gonna hang out with my friends at the cafe," Perrie replies unbuckling her seat belt.

"Alright," I say. "And you're okay with this arrangement?"

"Yes, it's fine," she replies a little shaky.

"You don't sound fine," I say looking over at her.

"It's just a little weird," Perrie admits. "It's out of my character to do something like this."

"So you're not fun?" I say.

"I am fun," she says.

Yeah right. Here, this belongs to you.

It was an envelope with her name on it in cursive. She opened it slowly. Two of my business cards fell on to her lap. The card had my name, phone numbers, and home and work addresses on it. A check worth £25,000 fell into her lap also.

"Oh, sweet, Jesus," she mumbles.

"What's wrong?" I say.

"I wasn't expecting this much money," Perrie replies.

"I want you to give one of my business cards to your dad and have him call me. I can get him a position at my business."

Yeah, definitely! Thank you so much.

Perrie looked at the check again before putting it back into the envelope and shoving it into her purse along with the business card. She grabbed her night bag before stepping out the car.

"Hey, Perrie," I call out to her.

"Yes," she answers looking back.

I admit, "I've only been with four other women since doing this."

"What about before all of this?" Perrie asks.

"Just one," I reply.

"Thank you, again," she says.

I'll see you later, love.

Today was good day. I couldn't stop smiling. Perrie made me so happy. I wasn't really suppose to feel this way being a sugar daddy, but it felt good. Most of the lads at the club are married with a few kids and much old that I am. I don't think they'd really approve of me. This whole system isn't about finding love, but about sex. The facts that I found love would be crazy to them.

I arrived back at my house and got dressed for work. I put on the outfit that Perrie had picked out for me to wear. I looked good. She had great style. I proceeded to work in my car. I had a lot of appointments today; so many marriages needed counseling and it was my job to fix it for them. But all I really did was just tell them to have sex with each other and if that doesn't work then divorce.

 "So, what exactly is your problem with your husband, Mrs. Mullen?" I ask getting the meeting started.

"My husband is always on business trips," Agatha Mullen begins, "I get bored at home since I'm a housewife. I spend most of the year by myself so I cheated on him a few times. What's the big deal?"

"What do you mean, what's the big deal? We could have talked this out before you went and did all of that," Aaron Mullen says.

"I've tried to talk to you," Agatha says, "but every time I want us to have a proper sit down you say that you have to go to work or a business dinner."

Clearly, you both need a break. I think I know what you two need to do.

I suggested that the Mullen's needed to take a romantic getaway to explore the talents both of them have. The travel agent I also have would help them set it up downstairs. That method always had people staying married for a long time. And hopefully it would help Mrs. Mullen not cheat on her husband again.

I got my payment from the couple and finished a few more appointments before starting my way back to campus to see Perrie. The cafe looked rather busy for it to be only five o'clock. I went inside and went up to the counter.

"Is Perrie Edwards here?" I ask.

"She's in the back room with her friends," a man named Derek replies.

Thank you. Can I get a black coffee?

I went over to the side bar the flavor my coffee. I could hear the lad at the counter talking about me and I could hear Perrie's voice as well. I turn around and she waves as she walks over to me.

"What're you doing here?" Perrie asks grabbing a fork.

"I just wanted some coffee," I reply. "I'm on my way home."

She says, "You should stay and hang out with me and my friends if you want to. You're probably tired from work or..."

"I can't really do that," I say cutting her off. "It's part of my rules."

"What rules?" Perrie asks.

I'll tell you later. See you soon?

Perrie was such a nice girl and I hated that I was only her sugar daddy for the sex. I could see myself with her, but that isn't what I want from a woman: a relationship. I'm just living right now and this lifestyle suits me perfectly. I have no one holding me back. This was strictly business and I needed to keep it that way, and ensure that she keeps it that way.

I walked out to my car that was parked on the curb outside of the cafe. I drank my coffee in silence. Moments later, the passenger side door opened and Perrie sat in the seat, shutting the door behind her.

"Hi," she says putting her seat belt on.

"What happened to your friends?" I ask.

"I told them that I had some studying to do," Perrie says.

"You could have come by later," I say.

I'm really interested in these rules that I need to know.

We arrived to my condo. It was nice having her back here. We undressed and put on some comfy clothes to watch a film. I let Perrie choose the movie just to see what kind of person she was.

"So, you're my sugar daddy," she says, "am I supposed to get a contract or something like that?"

"I don't do contracts," I reply.

Why not?

In the past, my sugar daddy and sugar baby ordeals never really worked out. Yes; I am supposed to give her a contract, but that's how the relationships fall to pieces. Some sugar babies have taken their submissive to the courts because contracts were involved. I wanted to try something new since I was with a new girl.

I just have rules...

Rule one, you are mine.

Number two, whenever I need you, you have to be there no questions asked.

Three, you can not fall in love with me nor can I fall for you; this is strictly business.

Number four, payments and gifts are never allowed to be denied as it is part of this deal.

Five, we are not in a relationship. This is just sex. Bringing other people into our relationship makes it seem like-

"We're dating; which we aren't. I get it," Perrie says. "So, what can we do exactly?"

"I can take you out to dinner occasionally, I can buy you nice and expensive things, I give you money, and of course sex," I reply.

"I guess that makes sense to keep it professional," she replies focusing on the movie.

"I'm gonna head off to bed early," I say. "Would you care to join me?"

"I'm gonna stay up for a while longer," she says.

"Good night, then," I reply walking to my bedroom.

Good night.

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