20. She's What?

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Monday Afternoon

"Good afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Hotchner," I say pulling their file from my desk.

"Hello," Mrs. Hotchner says.

"How may I help you today?" I ask.

"A few years ago my wife and I decided to become swingers," Mr. Hotchner says. "It was fun at first, but now I think that it is having an effect on our relationship."

"How do you feel, Mrs. Hotchner?" I ask looking over to her.

"I don't think it's having an effect on our marriage," she replies.

"You're never home," he says.

Because you're always at home. Don't you get the message, Aaron...

Hearing about everyone and their terrible relationships and studying them makes me feel good about my terrible relationship. I thought my life was so horrible, but my patients needed more than my psychological help. I don't even think mental institution therapy could help most of them.

I remember this one couple I had; it was one of the first cases that I worked on. They lived in this community where everyone just slept together and it didn't affect anyone. I guess it was like a swinging community. It started causing conflict because one of the women was told she couldn't have children and ended up getting pregnant by someone who wasn't her husband.

"You want to divorce your husband?" I ask.

"Does it look like I want to be with him?," Mrs. Hotchner says. "He's got nothing I need or want."

"I love you, Haley," Mr. Hotchner says trying to grab is wife's hand. She pushes him away.

I love me, too...

There was not anything that I could do to help this couple. Mrs. Hotchner was adamant about leaving her husband. I offered some extra marriage counseling a few times a week and gave them a booklet with some tips to help them stay together, but as they were walking out, Mrs. Hotchner threw it in the trash can.

A few minutes later, there was a knock on my door. I didn't have any other appointments. I was having a really slow day. I had been having quite a bit of those lately. They're slow and long. I told whoever to enter and he sat down in front of me.

"Is something wrong Mr. Edwards?" I ask closing out of Perrie's Twitter page. I was creeping.

"I just got in," he says. "I was at the hospital this morning."

"Hospital?" I question, "I something wrong?"

"No, I'm fine," Mr. Edwards says. "It was about Perrie."

"Is she okay?" I ask.

"She's pregnant, sir," he says.

She's what?

I am having a child. Well, Perrie is, but I helped. I could not believe it. I was so excited, but I had to contain my happiness about it. I wonder when Perrie found out about this. How long had she known? It was crazy. I know she wasn't hiding it from me. She most likely had not told me because of the condition that our relationship is in right now.  

"I couldn't believe it myself. We are all really excited, but it's so unexpected," Mr. Edwards says. "Perrie said she knows who the father is, but she wants to reconcile things with him first. It's not Alex; of course."

"How far long is she?" I ask.

"A few weeks. You've been around Perrie quite a bit for her thesis paper," Mr. Edwards says. "Do you know who she has been talking to?"

"No, I don't, actually," I lied.

"Well, if you can think of something, let me know," he says.

I nod, "I'm going to call her later and congratulate her."

"She'd appreciate that," Mr. Edwards says. "I'll see you around."

Goodbye, sir...

I pulled out my phone and rang Perrie. She didn't answer so I kept on trying. My last call to her was from last week. I had stopped the urge to call her and to write up text messages. But I had to speak to her now. I needed to. We obviously had some catching up to do.

"This is Perrie," she says answering the phone.

"Hey, Perrie," I say.

"I was driving to school, Zayn," she says. "You called me, like, six times."

"Oh, um... I'm sorry," I reply scratching my head. "I just want to talk to you. It's kind of important."

"Can we talk later?" Perrie asks. "My class is going to start in a few minutes."

"Yeah," I answer. "When do you get out? We can meet at the coffee shop."

"In fifty minutes," she says. "I can meet you there in an hour if that's okay with you."

That sounds perfect. I'll see you there soon...

It was nice hearing her voice again. She sounded calm and like she wasn't mad at me anymore. I was happy to see her again. This time she wouldn't be trying to make me jealous. I wanted to know what her belly looked like and I wanted to feel my son or daughter kick. I know that's a bit early for all of that I'm just so damn excited. I didn't know what to do or what to expect from today.

I packed up my bag and started down the elevator. I was super happy and I think the people in the elevator could see it in my face, but I didn't care. Today was a good day. There was a pregnant woman in the elevator. She was due any day now and told me that she was excited to meet her little boy. She was her way to the hospital now because her water had broke a few minutes ago.

"What's up, pretty boy?" Wanda says.

"Hey, girl," I say walking towards her.

"Woah! I haven't seen you smile in what feels like ages," she says leaning over her desk.

"I have some exciting news," I say.

"Do tell," Wanda replies.

I whisper, "I'm having a baby."

"Is it by the pretty blonde?" she asks.

"Yes," I answer.

"Oh, my God! That is so amazing," Wanda hugs me. "I'm really happy for you. Congratulation!."

"Thank you," I say.

"Where are you going?" she asks.

"I'm going to meet Perrie. I'll be gone the rest of the day," I say. "Can you cancel any meetings that come up?"

Yes. See you tomorrow.

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