2. Psychological Erotology

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Saturday Morning


"I have absolutely nothing to wear tonight," I say looking through my closet full of clothes. Leigh-Anne told me that we have to dress up like we're going to a gala or an awards show. I didn't question it, but I was scared of where we were going tonight.

"You can look through my closet," she says. "I just got some new stuff." I walk over to her closet and look at these unfamiliar clothes. She also had a trunk with some other stuff in it.

"These are like designer clothes Leigh-Anne," I say. "How do you afford this?"

Leigh-Anne laughs, "Don't worry about all of that. You can take whatever you want."


I hoped that this was not another stunt to get me a boyfriend. She was good for that. One time she signed me up for one of those stupid dating websites and another time she set me up to go on a double-blind date with her. I'm not really worried about dating or anything like that anyways. I'm just trying to get through this last semester of school.

"I'm gonna wear this one," I say putting the dress on my bed and grabbing my purse, "and I'm also gonna be late to work."

"I'll drive you," Leigh-Anne says. "I'm on my way out anyways."

"No; I'm fine, really," I reply. "See you later."

Have fun, petal.

I walked my usually route to work at the bookstore. It was the same route I took at night to go back to the dorm. The book store and the cafe were five minutes away from each other which was really convenient for me.

I opened the book store and swept the floors before the customers came in. Mostly freshmen came during the mornings or if people had a early online classes or if it was game day and people needed to buy school merchandise.

I was was working on book inventory when the assistance bell rang behind me. Literally no rang that bell. I had no idea what someone would use it if the were familiar with the facility.

Thank you for coming to the Gardner Bookstore. May I be of your assistance today?"

Yes you would, Perrie.

Could it really be him? The handsome man from last night? I turned around slowly as if I was uninterested in him. He was really attractive and looked better than he did last night. Maybe the car lighting was really bad because I was feeling feeling I never felt about him.

"Oh, it's you again," I say. "Zayn, right?"

"Yes," he smiles giving me my name tag. "You left it in my car last night. I called the number on the back and the person said that you'd be here now."

"Thank you," I say clipping my name tag to my shirt. "I appreciate your kind gesture."

"I thought you worked at the bookstore," Zayn says.

"I have two jobs," I reply. "My dad got laid off from his job last year and it's been hard to find work in the psychology field. My mum is the only one supporting us right now. I have to help myself get through school."

"I see. It's very expensive to get a good, quality education," he says scrolling through his phone.

"Do you need anything specifically?" I ask.

I'm not sure. I'll just have a look around and if I need you I'll ring you.

I smiled and walked back to the front desk to continue book inventory and a few other things on my work schedule like restocking printers and checking in returned books. A few customers came around eventually and I had actual work to do. Zayn came back after a while with a book tucked into his elbow.

"Did you find something you'd like?" I ask as I finished book inventory.

"Yes, ma'am," he says whilst pulling out his wallet. "I did."

"Alright," I say. "That'll be £17.50."

You can keep the change.

Zayn handed me£50 and left. Before he walked out the door, he turned around, and stopped and stared at me. He just stood there looking at me. I didn't know whether I should talk so I started doing some other work.

"What are you doing tonight?" he asks me.

I look up suddenly, "Excuse me?"

"Do you have any plans for the night?" Zayn says walking up to the counter.

"I... I... I'm going out with a friend," I say. "We're going to some fancy club, I think."

"That's too bad," he says. "I wanted to take you somewhere nice; like a date."

"I guess it is too bad... for you." I reply which makes him laugh.

"Maybe another time, yeah?" Zayn says.

I smile, "We'll see."

Here's my card. Call me if you change your mind or if you need anything.

I looked over the business card. It had the words Psychological Erotology on it along with Zayn's name, his phone and fax numbers, his email and two addresses. It took me a few seconds before I ran after him.

"Psychological Erotology? What's that?" I ask before he enters his car.

"It's the study of psychological sexual love and behavior, rather than the emotional or psychological aspects of love," Zayn says stepping up some stairs.

"And that makes you a legitimate doctor?" I ask standing in front of him.

"Technically, I'm just your regular psychologist." He bites his lip, "But I like to focus my business on the sexual aspect of a relationship."

"Why is that any of your business?" I reply folding my arms across my chest.

"It's my not," Zayn says. "The main problem for my clients happen to be their horrible sex lives. I decided that I wanted to help them. You know, give them some tips and advice. I recommend vacations and retreats to better their relationships and bring them closer together."

"So, you're like a marriage counselor?" I ask.

Technically, yes. But marriage counselor sounds so boring. Psychological Erotologist has a nice ring to it.

I asked Zayn if he was married. Even though he just asked me on a date, I had to be sure. I wasn't going to date a married man. Zayn said he wasn't married because he doesn't want his life to settled down and focused on just one woman. He says that the meaning of life is to enjoy life while you can and do things your own way. Being married, you have to consult another person to make decisions and share. He doesn't want that. He has a mind of his own.

I ask, "Don't you think that's selfish?"

"You ask a lot of questions," Zayn laughs.

I shrug my shoulders, "I'm just curious. I suppose."

If you have anymore questions don't be afraid to stop by my office. I'll see you soon.

I went back into book store where I had a line of patrons waiting for me. I was not up for this today and I had a six hour shift. I wanted to see Zayn again, but I wasn't going to stop by his office. I had to figure out what I was going to do about this.

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