I will NOT, Can NOT fall in LOVE with the Hot/Player/Jerk of a best friend[19]

Start from the beginning

"What about his brother?"I asked. "Michael and Jay V are only 4 years apart is it possible..."I trailed my hope increasing. He has to live.

"It's a possibility."he said."Michael and Jay V will need to blood test to see. All they're information HAS to be the same." I nodded.

"Alrght, I'll try,"I said. I got up walking out. The second I was out of the building I whipped out my cell to the world time and clicked and clicked until it reached Australia. It was currently 1 at night

(it's 11 am where I'm at) I decided to be evil and call Michael. Ring. Ring. Ring.

"What?!"he grumbled.

"Aww is that a nice way to say hi to your favorite girl?"I said in my baby voice which I loathe.

"Clair? No way! What's wrong? Did you do something illegal again?"he said more a live now jokingly.

"What the hell do you mean again!? Ok so I only been in jail twice none of them being illegal!"I said following his joke.

"Hahaha, so what did you want?"he asked.

"Can you come back here? It's about Jay V."I said biting my lip nervously. What if he says no? thought the girl in me. Then trick him into coming! said the evil side of me.

"What about him? Did he get AIDS?"asked Michael sarcastically.

"Haha very funny,"I said sarcastically. "No, actually it's serious." I used my dead~serious~I~am~not~playing~with~you tone.

"What is it?"he asked tiredly.

"Jay V has leukemia and medulla problems."I said slowly then waiting for it to sink in.

"What do you want me to do?"he asked.

"Can you be his doner of medulla?"

"If I am correct isn't the medulla the part of the brain that controls breathing, heart rates, and blood pressure? Wouldn't I die from giving Jay V my medulla?"he asked.

"I guess..."I said considering the fact. Jay V was dying from medulla failure and if Michael is a perfect match then wouldn't he die as well?

"I just can't leave my girlfriend Clair. I hope you understand. I-"

"No, no. Don't continue. I never really thought about that. And you're still with Julie? Nice, but can you at least do the test? Please? or me?"I asked making my voice break. I heard him sigh at

the end and I knew what he was going to say.

"Ok." Hook. Line. And Sinker.

"Thank you. When will you be here?"I asked.

"Next week?"

"Sure, bye."I said reaching my car.

"Bye Clarissa ."he said ending the call. I started to drive home when I thought of going to the park. I parked the car and locked it to find it empty. Just how I liked it. Laying in the soft grass I

looked up into the sky feeling a warm light breeze. I heard footsteps slapping across the cement sidewalk and I got up to see Melody, running. "Poco! Come back!"she screamed running after a

small white kitty. I got up on my feet walking watching her from behind. I didn't see or hear Sing, and thought he'd be worried if he didn't find Melody. "POCO!!"She screamed again. "Gottcha!"she

said. Since it was Monday and I was excused from school because of last night, the streets were empty. I found Melody in the middle of the road with, Poco? I saw a car coming and it didn't

I Will NOT, Can NOT fall in LOVE with the Hot/Player/Jerk of a bestfriend!Where stories live. Discover now