21: He's my friend.

Start from the beginning

"I thought we were on the same side here," Maven reminded me. And yes, with his Batman voice.

"Oh, yeah. Right," I paused. "Then let's show them who's the bosses around here!"

We stood at the end of an isle with toy light saber's on our hands. Phillip and Marge were at the opposite end of the isle with lightsabers as well.

We all walked towards each other in unison, Maven by my side, and Marge by Phillip's. We stopped in the middle where we all met.

"Do we really have to go through this?" Phillip said under his Captain America mask. It sounded like somebody was really gonna die.

I like it.

"Sorry. But he's my friend." I jerked my head in Maven's direction.

"So was I," Phillip responded. Yes, we were aware that we switched the dialogues and Iron Man was the one who was supposed to say the so was I part but, that doesn't matter.

A few seconds later, we were all fighting with lightsabers.

What's even better is that the lightsabers make lightsabers sounds which made it even more realistic.

Phillip was using his shield to block my attacks and I scream, "It's so unfair!"

Maven and I have thought of a plan to immediately defeat them but as expected the plan failed so I won't even waste your time on explaining how it was supposed to work.

We were all having fun, laughing at each other's craziness. Well, until good old Mr. Hayes passed by.

We all stopped, freezing on our positions while Mr. Hayes processed what he's seeing.

He's head dropped down and he shook it but I can see a smile underneath. I wish he's proud that we're his students. You don't see a Marvel vs DC vs Starwars fights every day. Then he just walked away without saying a word.

When he was out of his hearing range, we all collapsed to the floor in laughter. I was laughing so hard that I'm pretty sure I might have cried a little too. But, I don't care. This is the most fun experience I've had in years. And I never expected it to be caused by these three.

I never even expected to meet them officially like this and not just know them because of their popularity and rumors. But, well, except for Maven who I met back in the summer before seventh grade. But, all ties were cut after that.

After laughing for what felt like hours, my face was all sore.

But we all finally recovered and stood up from the floor.

"I'm hungry," I said. That seems to be a phrase the four of us understands.

"Well, we are literally surrounded by food." Maven said looking around.

The three of us looked around as well but instead of food, we were surrounded by toys.

"Yeah. If you consider toys as food." Marge let out a giggle.

"Well, I don't mean right this second but. . . You know what I mean," Maven ran his fingers through his hair, pulling it back.

"I'm kinda craving for pizza. Domino's maybe?" Phillip suggested.

"Ooh yeah. The chicken wings there are good too," I bit my lip, imagining the pizza and chicken wings that I'm about to devour a few moments from now.

"What about those?" Marge pointed at the basket full of snacks and junk food we picked up a while ago.

I honestly forgot about that.

Maven waved it off. "We'll come back for that later."

"Okay, but I feel like eating Chinese food right now," Marge said.

Phillip put his arm around Marge and pushes her forward. "Nope. We are eating pizza."

Maven and I trailed behind them.

We lingered around Walmart a little bit longer as Phillip and Marge argued about where to eat.

That gave me and Maven time to talk. Just, talk. Like friends. Because that's what friends do. Talk to each other. Because how will you really know a person if you don't talk to the person? So people, if you get the chance to talk to your crush, make sure you talk and not freeze.

Great. A fictional character is giving a real person an advise. And even worse, it's for free!

Wait. Who's a fictional character?

"So, Angelica Turner, how'd you been since the summer before seventh grade?" Maven asked, his hands folded behind him as he walked.

He remembered.

"I'm still the same, Maven Knight."

"Where did you move to?" Maven turned to me but didn't stop walking.

"I'm telling you Chinese food is so much better than pizza. You can have pizza everyday in school."

"Yes, but, it's not Domino's. There's a big difference between high school pizza, and Domino's pizza."

Marge and Phillip's voice arose from the background before I got to answer. But we ignored them both, allowing the best man or woman to pick the food that we'll eat today.

I turned back to Maven. "How did you know?"

Maven shrugged. "Well, the main reason we met in the first place is because you lived right beside my friend's house, remember?"

I nodded slowly, pretending to pull the memory from the very back of my brain. But the truth is, I never forgot.

"Yeah, well, you were always there when I came over twice that summer. Then suddenly you were gone." Maven explained.

I can't believe he noticed. I wonder if Ross, my used to be neighbor, mentioned it at all to Maven. But even so, I'm glad that he knows. Or, at least things about it even a little bit.

"Well, we live in Orange Drive now." I told him.

"Ohh. That's near my place," He said. That's true. He lived just a couple houses away.

"I know," I smiled. "I sometimes see you play basketball on street."

"Yeah. I play quite a lot."

I decided that it's my turn to ask him questions. "How's your studies?"

I immediately hated myself after that question. Out of everything I could have asked, I asked about school. Who would want a question about school?

I'm so disappointed in myself.

Maven buried his face on his hands, frustrated.

Great. You just ruined his mood.

"There's this math test a while ago," he muttered, "It destroyed my brain."

I almost laughed at the way he described it. I know how he feels of course. I was never the greatest in math.

"I mean, yesterday everything was so simple!" Maven whispered, "And today it was like. . . why are there so many numbers?!"

We shared a quiet laugh.

Math was always a struggle. And I guess I was wrong about the people in the advanced math class. They might be geniuses, but they struggle with it too.

Phillip and Marge finally ended their arguement.

So who won you may ask?

I'll let the winner tell it.

"We are going to get pizza!" Phillip told us triumphantly.

Marge crossed her arms. "I had to give up. He was really stubborn."


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