Welcome to AdultFic Book of the Month

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What is the AdultFic Book of the Month?

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What is the AdultFic Book of the Month?

It is an initiative organized by the  Adult Fiction team to feature one excellent adult themed story every month.

The stories are hand-selected by the #adultfiction team, they truly are the best-loved books from our individual libraries.

The Purpose of AdultFic BOM

To draw attention to hidden gems / undiscovered stories

To acknowledge well-written stories

To reward authors for their hard work to provide quality content.

How it works

Every month, our team handpicks a story that meets the #adultfiction criteria and features it in our book of the month.


Story will be selected according to these criteria:

Based on an adult theme

Completed story

Excellent in grammar, punctuation and spelling

Intriguing storyline

Great character development

It must be written in English

Copyright -author's original story

What to expect from our team

A short review/summary will be written by the Ambassador who selected the story of the month.


An exclusive sticker will be awarded to the author and his/her story will be featured in our reading list.

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