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"He told me he wanted me." I explained to Ginny.


I let out a sigh, "And then he asked if I wanted him too, but I couldn't find the words to say yes. Then he left."

Ginny scrunched up her face, "You have to tell him tomorrow when you make the potion."

"What do I say exactly?" I asked, "Draco Malfoy I'm falling head over heels for you?!"

Ginny let out a slight chuckle, "You really are bad at this. Here practice! Pretend I'm Malfoy."
She then sat up straight and tried her best to comb back her hair.

"Alright..." I started, "Draco. I've been meaning to tell you something."

"Tell me what, Granger?" Ginny said in a manly voice.

"Oh! He does not sound like that!"

"Just continue!"

I rolled my eyes and then cleared my throat, "I have feelings for you. You know this, but I just hadn't built up the courage to tell you how I really feel."

"What in the bloody hell did I just walk into?" Ron asked with wide eyes, "You like my sister? Hermione...."

"Oh for Merlin's sake, Ron!" I exclaimed, "Do you honestly think I would have a crush on your sister?"

"Ouch..." Ginny muttered.

"Then your practicing aren't you?" He asked, "Mione. You never told me you liked someone."

"Why would I?" I laughed, "It's girly and your most certainly not a girl."

Ron frowned a bit and looked around the room, "Well I suppose. Who is it then?"

I smiled and held back my laughter, "Like I'm going to tell you! It's none of your business."

Ron crossed his arms in front of his chest and scoffed, "Well fine."

"Don't be like that." I laughed and pushed him lightly.

Ron relaxed a bit, then shrugged his shoulders, "Well I'll leave you two then. Since it's too girly."
Then he strolled off and walked up the stairs to the rooms.

"Well before Ron interrupted, it was going great!" Ginny laughed, "Seriously. Just tell him exactly what you told me."

"Alright. I'll do it." I nodded, feeling more confident, "Thanks Gin."

Then the two of us hugged it out and we continued to study till nightfall.

When the time came for me to meet Draco, I could feel my heart beating loudly against my chest. I was so nervous!
What if he doesn't even show up?

When I reached for the doorknob, Draco's hand swooped in out of no where and grabbed it before I could.
"Granger." He nodded towards me, opening the door.

"Malfoy." I nodded back and just stood there, not moving.
Why can't I move my legs?!

"Are you alright there?" He chuckled.

"I...yeah." I said and was finally able to slip into the classroom.
After the door was closed behind us, I began gathering the ingredients Slughorn had set out for us.
Ashwinder eggs
Rose thorns
Pearl dust
Powdered's all here!
"Okay. Everything is here, lets start."

Draco didn't say much while we made the potion. I guess he was still a bit angry from before.
"How many times do I stir it now?" He asked once he got to the final step.

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