Strike Of Midnight

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"So tell me," I said as Draco and I sat down at a table, "...ugly Hufflepuff golden tie?"

Draco laughed, "It is! Your little friend, Ginny, she picked this out for me. I knew I could never trust a Weasley."

I hit Draco's arm lightly before rolling my eyes at him.
He's so dramatic. He looks perfect.
"I love it. You look amazing."

"I prefer Slytherin green." He admitted, "Or black for that matter! I mean Hufflepuff gold?! No."

"Think of it as a tribute to Cedric."
I didn't even realize I had said those words.
As I finished my sentence, Draco's face dropped in sorrow.
I knew his father was there that night. He must have felt guilty.
"I think it's great for tonight."

"I guess you're right." He said sadly, "I just didn't think about it like that. I liked Cedric. He was probably the only Hufflepuff I ever liked. And probably the only one I ever will like."

"He was a good guy." I nodded.

Silence fell between us as we thought of Cedric Diggory. No one should die so young.

"This is depressing. Let's dance."
Draco then took my hand and led me onto the dance floor.
There were students all around us, engulfed in their own world as they danced with their partners.
"I like this, being out in the open, getting to hold your hand and dance with you."

A smile crept on my face, "I like this too."

Draco gently placed a hand on my waist and laced our fingers together. He then stepped into me and began moving to the music.
Draco was a very good dancer and he swept me off my feet with his romantic gestures. We danced around the other students, lost in our own world. I couldn't stop staring into his eyes. Those eyes, once filled with hate, were now filled with love and admiration. That's when I realized that I'm falling in love, just as he is. I'm falling in love with Draco Malfoy.

When the song came to an end, Draco gave me one last spin before kissing my cheek and bringing me to a table.
"I love dancing with you." He smiled.

"I love dancing with you." I replied back, gripping his hands in mine.

Before another song came on, Professor McGonagall took the stage. Along beside her was Professor Dumbledore.
"Good evening students." She smiled, "We wanted to take this time to remember our dear friend, Cedric Diggory."

The room immediately silenced itself, all eyes were on McGonagall.

"Cedric Diggory was a friend to us all." as she spoke photos of Cedric flashed on the wall behind her, "Being sorted into Hufflepuff his first year, he took on the qualities any Hufflepuff has. He was caring, loyal, loving...this year marks two years since we lost a member of our family. May we all raise our wands in memory of him."

Everyone in the room slowly drew out their wand and held it up. The room was glowing with wands. It was beautiful.
Then Mr. Diggory slowly made his way towards the crowd of students before him.
I had barely even noticed he was here.

"I greatly appreciate this tribute to Ced. Bless you all." He smiled weakly raising his wand as well, "For Cedric."

As the night started coming to an end, I found myself getting upset. I didn't want this perfect night to end. I didn't want things to return to normal. I wanted to be with Draco, out in the open like this. But that can never happen.

"Hermione." Draco whispered in my ear, noticing I wasn't paying much attention to anything that was happening around me.


"Something's on your mind." He stated, taking my hand in his.

I let out a sigh as I brought myself closer into him, "I just don't want the night to end."

A smile formed on his face as he tucked a strand of hair behind my ear, "I understand, love. I don't want it to end either."

We then embraced one another in a tight hug.
I could stay like this forever.
As we broke apart, the clock above us began to strike midnight.
The spell was about to be lifted.
With heavy hearts, Draco and I shared one last kiss before parting ways and acting as if we didn't know one another.

The next few mornings were quite depressing actually. I missed being with Draco out in the open, and we started meeting every other day instead of every single day after class. I was falling for him so fast, it was scary.

"I just don't want to become so dependent on seeing him, but I just can't help it." I was explaining to Ginny.

"It's normal." She shrugged, "It's that lovey dovey stage."

"Yeah, you're right." I nodded, shaking my head slightly at my self, "Maybe things will change over the next few years. Maybe blood status won't matter anymore."

"When you've both left Hogwarts it'll be a completely different situation." Ginny agreed, "It's not like he wants to ignore you. It's his family."

Ginny was right..his family.
Will they ever accept me? Will we have to keep this a secret forever?
"I don't even want to think of his family's reaction if they knew!"

As Ginny was about to answer, Ron and Harry made their way towards us.
As they took a seat, Harry kissed Ginny's cheek and Ron sat uncomfortably across from me.
"Harry's got something to tell us." Ron muttered.

We all turned to Harry as he spoke, "I think Malfoy is the one who did it."

"Who did what Harry?" I asked curiously.

"Katie Bell just returned from St. Mungo's." He started, "It makes sense. He sneaks off during eating periods, he's meeting with Snape. Something's up."

Oh no...
"Aren't you jumping to conclusions?" I asked him, "Think about it. Dumbledore would be watching him knowing his father is involved with You-Know-Who."

Harry shrugged slightly, "I guess..."

Draco couldn't have done that to Katie, right?

"I confronted him in the bathroom." Harry suddenly admitted, making me nervous, "He seemed off. He's crumbling."

This is insane.
"What did you do to him, Harry?" I asked, trying to hide my worried tone.

Harry looked to us, "I-I didn't mean to hurt him so bad."

"Harry." I gasped.

"I used this was in my potions book..."

"You NEED to get rid of that bloody book, Harry!" I exclaimed, "That proves my point right there. Is he okay?"

"What?!" Ron asked.

"Is Malfoy okay?" I repeated.

Ron looked to me with wide eyes, "Since when do you care about Malfoy's well-being?!"

"He's still a human being, Ron!" I told him, "If Harry hurt him as bad as he made it seem, I want to know that he's fine."

Harry grabbed my hand in a calming gesture, "He's fine, Mione. You're right. I need to get rid of this book."

"I know of a place." Ginny said, taking his hand and leading him out of the common room.

Ron and I were left alone in silence for quite some time before I decided to gather my things.
"Wait." He said, stopping me, "Are we..okay? Harry needs us, you know."

I sighed slightly as I slipped from his grasp, "As long as Harry's involved, we're okay."
Then I left, starting off to find Draco.
Sorry guys! Summer has been fun, so I've been taking a break! Here's the new chapter :)


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