Liquid Luck

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When I got back to the common room I knew I couldn't tell Ginny anything I had discovered. This secret was too big for me to tell.

"Well...did he ask you?" Ginny asked as I slipped into bed.

"We were rudely interrupted again!" I explained, coving my face. "Maybe tomorrow...."

Ginny scoffed in bed, "Damn. Timing is just not your friend."

No it's really not.

The next morning at breakfast Harry practically ran towards me and parked himself in the seat next to me.
"I'm going to talk to Slughorn today."

"And how exactly are you going to do that?" I asked.

Harry then pulled out his vile of Liquid Luck, "I just need a little help from my friend, Felix."

"Harry!" I exclaimed, "Are you sure?"

Harry shrugged his shoulders, "It won't be any harm. I just need an extra boost of confidence."

"So be it, but I don't want to be responsible for whatever you do next." I told him.

Harry then popped open the lid and downed the little bit of liquid. Once he swallowed, he stared at me for a moment.

"Well?" I asked him, "How do you feel?"

"I feel great. I'm going to visit Hagrid!" He exclaimed and jumped out of his seat.

Oh great.
"Harry you're supposed to talk to Slughorn." I explained to him.

"Well, I know this but I really just have a great feeling about Hagrid at the moment."

Just let him be Hermione. Let it go.
"Alright Harry, have fun."

And with that he bolted out of the Great Hall and headed off to Hagrid's.
Wow I've never seen him move so fast!
Lost in my thoughts, I didn't notice Draco standing beside me.

Shaking my head slightly, I directed my gaze up towards him, "Malfoy."

"About last night-"

"No." I interrupted him, "I understand. It's not your choice. Let's just not talk about it, okay?"

Draco nodded slightly, "Thanks. I hope you don't hate me."

I couldn't help but laugh at his comment, "Are you kidding? You're all I ever think about. How could I possibly hate you?"
Why did I just tell him that?!

Draco smirked widely at me before his face dropped once more, "I should go. Meet me tonight? Please?"

"Of course."

Draco then turned to leave, but I could have sworn I heard him say, "You'll hate me more than ever soon enough."

As I waited for the time to meet Draco, I saw Ron come trudging towards me.
He tentatively stopped in front of me, looking more nervous than ever.

"Ron." I said bluntly.

"Listen, I'm sorry for being so childish." He started, "I guess I just always thought we'd end up together."

I felt my breath hitch in my throat at Ron's comment.
Did he really believe that? Why didn't he ever tell me?

"I just know that whoever ends up with you is a lucky guy. I hope he realizes that too." Ron told me.
Then he turned on his heels and left me.

I was pleasantly shocked at Ron's actions. It was very mature of him. He's never been the one to admit he was wrong, but for once he actually did that.
Maybe he's finally growing up.

After finishing up my work and killing time, it was finally the moment to meet Draco. I made sure to check my appearance before starting off towards McGonagall's classroom.
To my surprise, Draco was waiting outside of the class for me. He was leaning up against the door, looking very relaxed but anxious. When I reached his side, I saw his smile grow.

"Granger." He nodded.

"Are we stuck on last names still?" I asked him, feeling my heart beat faster.

"I've just always called you Granger." He shrugged. Then he took my hand in his, pulling me closer into him.
"Forgive me? Hermione."

Then his lips were on mine. We kissed each other with such passion, holding onto each other tightly. We never wanted to let go.
"I forgive you, Draco." I told him as we pulled back from one another.

Draco studied my face intently before kissing my forehead and motioning for me to follow him, "Walk with me?"

I ignored the ping of nervousness in my chest and followed along side him through the castle. He led me up multiple flights of stairs before we reached the Astronomy Tower. It was a beautiful and starry night, there wasn't a single cloud in sight. I must say that Draco Malfoy looked absolutely amazing under the stars.

"I love it up here." He finally said, breaking the silence, "This night is almost as beautiful as you."

"Ha ha." I smirked, "You're cheesy tonight."

Draco draped an arm around my shoulders and came closer into me, "Can't I compliment a pretty girl? I mean really, Grang- uh Hermione, I've got to make up for all of the times I've insulted you."

I let myself laugh at his reply. He was right, he had a lot of making up to do.
"I suppose so."
When I looked up to him, I felt myself become weak at the knees.
He's so perfect.
"Why did you bring me here, Draco?"

As I asked, he turned to face me, his eyes burning into mine. I had never experienced such an intense, lustful stare before.
"Go to the ball with me."

Finally. He finally asked.

"It's a bit short notice, I know." He admitted, his voice trailing off, "But I would be honored to take you."

"I thought you would never ask."

Draco placed a hand on my cheek, then he tilted my chin up to face him. With one swift movement he pressed his lips to mine, making fireworks go off in my chest.
I swear our kisses just get better and better.

Our lips moved together for quite some time before he broke our kiss to look down on me. He had the cutest smile on his face.
"I would have never thought something like this could happen between us."

"Oh believe me, I wouldn't have either." I chuckled, "I could barely stand the thought of you, no offense."

Draco nodded in understanding, "I can see that. I must say that agreeing to those tutoring sessions was the best decision I could have made."

"I couldn't agree more."

Hey guys! Sorry it's been so long! :(
Lots of love!


Amortentia (Dramione)Where stories live. Discover now