The Journey Ahead

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A few months later:

As I read over the Daily Prophet for what seemed like the thousandth time, I couldn't help but feel sick to my stomach.
In big, bold letters I read: MUGGLE FAMILY MURDERED

You have to do this, Hermione.
I hated my brilliant plan. I hated it, but I had to keep them safe. If I was going to be helping Harry, I needed mum and dad to be safe. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I knew my quest killed my parents.
The death eaters are killing muggles now...muggles who have no idea of the wizarding world. I could only imagine what they would do to muggle families with a son or daughter in the wizarding world.

As I laid the newspaper next to my packed suitcase, I let out a deep sigh and took one last look around my room.
My bookshelf was neatly organized and cleaned, my bed was perfectly made. It looked as if no one had been living here in years. It was spotless....and I would never be able to come back here.

"Hermione! Tea is ready!" I heard my mother call from down the stairs.

My breath hitched as I realized it was time.
"Coming, mum!" I called back, slowly pulling my wand out of my pocket.

As I made my way down the stairs, my heart began to race. I took note of everything in my home as I made my way to the living room. Our family portraits, the little knick-knacks my mother had placed around our house.
This was where I was raised.
As I passed our front door, the tiniest smile formed on my face.
That's where I opened my Hogwarts letter.

"Australia? Well, that does sound nice." Mum was saying as I crept behind the couch.

That's when I raised my wand, took a deep breath, and whispered, "Obliviate."
I watched as my parents slowly began to forget I even existed. The family portraits around me began to change as I disappeared from each photograph.
I was nothing to them now.

When the deed was done, I held back my whimpers of sadness as I grabbed my things and left my house for the last time.

"Oh come on, Hermione. You can't seriously still be in love with the bloody git? He's a death eater for crying out loud!" Ginny exclaimed.

It had been a day since I obliviated my parents, and I needed some place to stay. The Weasley's were housing me, of course, and I had only mentioned Draco once before Ginny flipped.
"I never said I was still in love with him." I told her, crossing my arms in defense, "I only said how I wondered what he was doing."

"Probably killing people, Mione."

"Well that's a bit morbid." I shot at her.

Ginny sighed deeply, "Well, its true. They kill people, Hermione. Remind me again...why did you obliviate your parents? Because death eaters are killing off muggles now, no one is safe."

I've thought about Draco all summer, not going to lie. I haven't seen him since that night at the Astronomy Tower, as expected. My last memory of him played over in my head a million times. He admitted he loved me, and then he drew his wand to me.
The thought of it all still hurts me.

"You don't think I know that?" I asked Ginny, "Can we please just change the subject? It was stupid of me to even mention his name."

Ginny gave a weak smile, "I'm sorry, Mione. I'm just looking out for you. We have to be realistic these days."
Then she reached out her hand to me.

I gladly took it, and squeezed lightly, "You're right."
I can never be with Draco. Ever.

"Mione." Ron's voice sounded around the corner of the room. As he came into view, he gave me a smile, "Are you done being girly? Mad-Eye just got here."

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