The Last Minute

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The next morning I practically jumped out of bed! Today was the day we were presenting our potions to Slughorn. I really wanted to know how good I did...but I also was excited to see Draco. Our moment last night left me weak at the knees. He's having such an effect on me and I can't explain why.

"Mione?" Ron asked me at breakfast.

"Hm?" I mumbled as I looked over my paper I had written for the thousandth time.

Ron examined me closely, "Are you wearing...make up?"

Embarrassed, I peaked up from over my parchment, "Uh...yes."

"Why are you wearing make up?" He asked curiously, "You never wear make up. And! And you did something to your hair! Harry, are you seeing this?!"

Harry looked up from his plate and studied me carefully, "You look nice, Hermione."

I looked away from the two boys for a second and smiled bashfully, "Thank you."

"Who are you trying to impress today?" Ron asked, taking a bite of his food.

I shrugged slightly, "I just felt like making myself look a bit nicer today. I've been having a great week."

Harry eyed me carefully before shrugging it off, "Must be a wonderful week for you."

"No, no. There's a guy." Ron said suddenly.


Harry snapped his attention towards me again, "A guy?"

"Ron." I snapped at him, "I told you it's none of your business."

Ron pointed at me and then looked to Harry, "There's a guy! She told me! Who is it? He must be important to have you dressing up like that!"

I rolled my eyes in annoyance, "Ronald Weasley, I'm not 'dressing up'! I'm wearing my uniform as usual, I just applied some make up this morning that's all."

Harry smiled a bit, "I didn't think you really liked anyone. Well...there was Krum-"

"We don't talk about him." Ron said, cutting Harry off.

"Not this again." I muttered, "I thought you were over that, Ron!"

"What?" He shrugged, "There was nothing to get over? You went to the ball with the enemy, that's all."

I can't believe him. He's jealous.
"Ron, don't tell me you're jealous...again!"

Ron scoffed and wrinkled up his face in defiance, "Me? Jealous?! Please. I have a lovely girlfriend, Mione. If anyone's jealous, it's you."

You've got to be kidding me.
"I am not jealous of that boorish, brainless-"

"Don't talk about Lavender like that!" Ron exclaimed, cutting me off.

"I can talk about whomever I please!" I interrupted as I gathered my things quickly, "I'm perfectly happy with my 'guy'. If you don't like me exploring my opportunities, then maybe you should have made a move on me instead of waiting until the last minute, as always!"
And with that, I stormed off towards the classroom.

When I stormed into the class, no one was in sight. I was so flustered that I slammed my books onto my desk and angrily sat myself down.
I can't believe him! He's always waiting until I've found someone new!
Out of frustration I kicked the table. Once my foot make contact, I hopped out of my seat in pain!

"Well...someone's feeling a bit angry."
Draco waltzed into the room and leaned up against my desk.
"What's gotten into you?"

"Nothing." I said shortly, "Ron was just pushing my buttons."

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