Infiltrating the Ministry

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"We have to get into the ministry." Harry was saying as he paced around the room. "Umbridge. She's got to know the locket's importance. Why else would she take it?"

"I have an idea, but it's risky." I told him.

"I have a bad feeling about this." Ron said to himself.

"I've been brewing polyjuice potion for months just in case we needed it." I explained to them, "And it's enough to last hours."

"Blimey, Mione. You really were prepared for this." Ron scoffed.

"Okay." Harry nodded, "That's our only option really."

"And what exactly are we going to do when we get into the bloody Ministry of Magic?!" Ron exclaimed, "Need I remind you that Harry is the most wanted wizard in the world at the moment?"

"We will need to split up, I'm sure. Keep people busy so we can get into Umbridge's office." I explained, "And he won't be Harry when we're there, Ron. There's entrances to the ministry around here in London. I'm sure you know where they are, Ron?"

Ron shrugged, "I mean yeah. Dad loves talking about all of the disguised muggle devices. There is a bathroom I know of...on 5th Street."

"Perfect. We can watch for a few days, see the patterns and schedules of three individuals and then hit them with a spell." I explained, "It's risky, but it's all we've got."

Harry sighed, "This is the first lead we've gotten on these Horcruxes. If we screw up-"

"We won't screw up." I interrupted, "I have a good feeling about this."
Over the next few days the three of us chose specific members of the ministry to impersonate. I chose Mafalda Hopkirk. I recognized her name from a few books and newspapers. She wrote everything down in trials, she seemed to be not as important and easy to hide in the background. Ron and Harry chose two men I had never seen before.
On the third day of memorizing their schedules, we stunned them, plucked their hairs and morphed into our new bodies.
"Remember, don't speak to anyone unless it's absolutely necessary. Just try to act normal and do what everyone else is doing." I reminded them.

After getting into the ministry, I waited for Harry and Ron. The ministry was an awful place with muggle statues surrounding us. You could definitely tell Voldemort had infiltrated.
Once the three of us were back together, we headed into the elevator. Before we could leave, someone stopped us.

We turned to see Yaxley. One of the many Death Eaters working in the ministry.
"Are you aware that it's still raining inside of my office?" He asked Ron, "It's been two days."

"Um...have you tried an umbrella?" Ron replied back.


"You do realize that I'm going downstairs, don't you Cattermole? To interrogate your wife." Yaxley started, "Now if my wife's blood status was being questioned, and the head of the department of magical law enforcement was asking me to do a job, I think I would do it immediately. Wouldn't you? You have one hour."

After he released us, we shot backwards and traveled to the next area of the ministry.
"Oh my god. What am I going to do?" Ron gasped, "My wife is all alone downstairs!"

" don't have a wife." Harry reminded him.


After Ron got off of the elevator to fix Yaxley's Office, Harry and I rode to Umbridge's floor. As he was about to get off, the one and only bitch of a witch herself walked in with us.
"Mafalda?" She piped up in her ditsy little voice of hers.

I smiled intently at her, "Mhm."

"I've been looking all over for you." She said, "Come, we have some interrogating to do!"
She then waited for a few moments, noticing Harry wasn't getting off.
"Well Albert?" She scoffed at him, "Aren't you going to get off?"

"Oh." Harry muttered, then quickly pushed passed us, leaving me alone with Umbridge.

"I'll say." She said, shaking her head, "Albert's been acting strange lately."

The entire way down I didn't speak a word to Umbridge. I just hoped that Harry would find the Horcrux and we could leave before this Polyjuice potion wore off.
There I was, scribing away when in comes Harry (who wasn't Harry) and Ron (who wasn't Ron). Confusing, I know.

"Oh! Honey!" The woman in front of me exclaimed, hugging Ron.

Ron very awkwardly patted her head as Umbridge continued.
"You're lying." She said to the woman, "The wand chooses the witch, Mrs. Cattermole. And you are not a witch."

"But I am. It chose me." Mrs. Cattermole begged, "Tell her..." she begged to Ron.

That's when Harry discreetly dropped his wand in his hands and stared intensely at Umbridge.
Oh dear.

"What are you doing?" Umbridge said, looking to Harry.

"You're lying Dolores." Harry stated as his face began to morph.
It's time.
"And one must not tell lies. Stupefy!!!"

The spell shot Umbridge right in the chest, knocking her out immediately. Harry quickly ran and grabbed the locket from her neck as Ron and I grabbed Mrs. Cattermole And began running out of the door.

"That...that's Harry Potter." Mrs. Cattermole said.

"Well this will be a story to tell the kids." Ron laughed.

When we finally made it away from the court room and into the lobby of the ministry, Mrs. Cattermole stopped Ron.
"Thank you!" She cried and kissed him.

I couldn't help the jealously rising in my chest as he kissed her back.
Is that necessary?

When they pulled away, Ron was back to his regular form, leaving Mrs. Cattermole looking very confused.
"I-uh Sorry!" Ron exclaimed as we ran for the exits.

"There! It's Harry Potter! Stop him!" Someone yelled behind us.

"Follow me!" I yelled back at my friends. The ministry's alarms began blaring in our ears and the exits began to close.
We have to make it!
With one final leap, Ron, Harry, and I dove into the fireplace and I quickly thought of a place to go to. And surely enough we plopped into the woods where Dad and I used to go camping.

"Hermione!" Harry yelled.

I looked back behind me to see Ron seizing like crazy. He had a huge wound from a spell being cast.
"Ron! Oh god Ron!" I cried, "Harry, my bag! Get my bag!"

Harry fumbled on the ground to reach it, but once he did he began digging around.

"Dittany! I need the dittany!" I yelled as I held onto Ron's gaping arm.

"Accio dittany!" Harry called, and once he had the potion, I shoved it down Ron's throat.

Once he had the potion in his system, the wound began closing, and Ron blacked out. I took a look at my clothes and saw Ron's blood all over me. I felt sick to my stomach, but I knew I needed to protect us, so I quickly got to my feet and began chanting.
"Protego totalum, salvio hexia, repello muggletum, cave inimicum-"

"What are you doing?" Harry asked.

"Charms." I answered, "We can't be found, they know we are hiding now. These charms will conceal us as best as possible. In my bag there's a tent. Pitch it."
Than I returned to my chanting, while Harry dragged Ron over to a tree stump and began looking for the tent.
Y'all I apologize! I'm finally on winter break!


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