Back To Hogwarts

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That night I couldn't sleep. So many thoughts ran through my head. Draco. Dobby. Finding the Horcrux's. We now knew one of them was in Bellatrix's vault, but our plan is so risky.

I kept seeing Draco in my mind over and over again telling that he loves me. I love him. I never stopped. It's so hard to imagine anything between us while this war is going on. He's a Death Eater, and I'm Harry Potter's best friend. It'll never work.

My mind wondered to the time Draco and I looked over the lake at Hogwarts. His happy place. His body pressed against mine. Him giving me that bloody green scarf.
As I thought of these lovely thoughts, I finally was able to close my eyes and sleep.

Harry, Ron, and I made a plan. We were to break into Bellatrix's vault at Gringotts and find the Horcrux. We know there's one in there. Griphook told us how to get in and how to act. I was going to be the witch herself...thanks to our Polyjuice Potion.
I didn't trust Griphook, but we couldn't get inside Gringotts without him. It would have been impossible.

"Hermione." Ron muttered nervously before I drank the potion.

"Yes, Ron?" I asked, avoiding his gaze.

" careful." He said slowly.
I nodded towards him and downed the disgusting, brown goop.
Dressed as Bellatrix, I tried my best to act like her. Rude. Cruel. Cold. Basically I had no heart.

Eventually we made it to the vault. However, things took a turn when Griphook tricked us and left us alone in the vault. He took the sword of Griffindor and left us to make it out ourselves. Once we made it out (barely), we noticed Griphook had died trying to escape. The dragon guarding Bellatrix's vault was going nuts! Blasting the Gringotts workers with fire.
"Jump!" I exclaimed to Ron and Harry. I immediately jumped onto the dragon and held on for dear life.
We had to escape somehow!

"Is she bonkers?!" Ron exclaimed.
Before Harry could answer, he jumped on to the dragon behind me.
Ron closed his eyes in fear and followed Harry.

I used my wand to destroy the chains holding the monsterous beast down. He then assessed into the air and burst through the ceiling above us!
After riding the dragon for a while, I saw us approaching a lake. This would be a good opportunity to get off!
"Jump! Into the lake!" I exclaimed.

The three of us leap off the dragon and began swimming to stay afloat, "Are you guys okay?" I asked.

"Fine." Harry replied.

"I'm alright." Ron answered.

The three of us swam to land and laid down, catching our breath. Harry immediately collapsed onto the ground, holding his scar.
"He knows." Harry said suddenly, gasping for air. "He knows we broke into Gringotts and he knows we're hunting Horcruxes."

"Harry you can't just let him in like that." I told him, worried.

"It's not like I can always help it, Mione." Harry replied, "I found something though. The next Horcrux is a tiara of some sort. Rowena Ravenclaw, I saw her. It's somewhere in the castle."

"How exactly are we going to get into Hogwarts with every wizard and witch looking for us?" Ron asked.

"We'll have to go through Honeydukes..." I replied to them.
This is going to be rough.

By the time we apparated into Hogsmeade, sirens began going off everywhere.
"It's Harry Potter!"

"Potter's here!" People yelled left and right.

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