A Huge Favor

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The next morning I felt excited about meeting with Dumbledore. In my head the letter meant I would be rewarded for something I had done. Yet, I was terribly wrong. What he told me that morning was more like a punishment!

"Excuse me Professor, but can you just repeat that for me please? I think I heard you wrong."

Dumbledore chuckled silently to himself and drew in a breath, "I would like to ask you to tutor Mr. Malfoy."

You're joking.
"Professor Dumbledore, I admire you greatly. I respect you, believe me I do, but I can't accept your favor. Draco Malfoy is a foul boy who cannot stand me, and frankly, I cannot stand him either." I explained.

"I understand, Miss Granger." He started, "He just really needs some guidance. I don't think I need to tell you what's happened to his father."

Lucius Malfoy was thrown into Azkaban for working with You-Know-Who. I knew that. Everyone knew that.
"His father deserves it." I replied quietly.

Standing up, Dumbledore made his way towards me with his signature grin.
"Miss Granger, Mr. Malfoy is failing almost all of his classes and you're the smartest student in this entire school." He said, "Please. He needs the help."

I let out a hard sigh and thought hard.
He does need the help. Although I can't stand him, his father is in Azkaban. He has no one really....Why do I feel bad for the guy?
"Okay." I told Dumbledore, "I'll do it, sir."

"Excellent!" He exclaimed, "I permit the two of you to use Professor McGonagall's classroom after your classes have ended for the day. The professors will be fully aware of your absences from your dormitories."

"Thank you, Professor." I nodded, then headed towards the door.

"Oh, and Miss Granger?"

I turned to face Dumbledore as I was in the doorway, "Yes sir?"

"Do be patient with Mr. Malfoy. I'm sure he won't be too happy about this arrangement at first." He stated.

"Of course." I replied and smiled lightly.
Of course he wouldn't!!

Going into my positions class after my meeting with Dumbledore was awkward. Malfoy was in that class, and he kept glancing over at me. I assumed that meant he had already been told about our tutoring sessions. I tried my best to ignore his grey eyes that were burning into me.

"Why is Malfoy staring?" Ron asked me curiously, and partially out of jealously.

"Well, Dumbledore has asked me to...tutor him." I whispered.

Ron's eyes widened when he heard this and he nudged Harry in the ribs to get his attention.
"Ouch!" Harry exclaimed

"Did you hear that?" Ron asked him.

"Clearly not." Harry snapped back, rubbing his side.

"Mione, tell 'em."

Looked to Harry and sighed deeply, "I've been asked to tutor Malfoy."

Harry reacted almost the same as Ron, "Who asked?"

"Dumbledore." I replied.

Harry bit at his cheeks, "To spy on him?"

"No, Harry. To tutor him. Actually tutor. He's failing all of his classes." I explained.

"Excuse me, Miss Granger." Professor Slughorn suddenly said, "Care to share with the class?"

Red with embarrassment I shook my head, "No, sir. Sorry."

"Wow, what a historical moment." Malfoy sounded from the back of the class, "Granger actually disrupting the class."

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