The Journey Home

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I turned around slowly in disbelief. There standing in front of me was Draco Malfoy. He looked different. He didn't have his usual sharp attire on. He had normal clothes. Normal, muggle clothing. His hair was slightly longer than the last time I had seen him. It wasn't slicked back per usual. He looked even a little taller than I remembered. His face read a confused, but slightly excited expression.
"Malfoy." I finally managed to say.

Draco took a few steps towards me and gracefully grabbed my hand, "What are you doing here, love? How did you find me?"

"Ron, Harry, Ginny, and I have been searching for weeks. We spoke to your aunt Andromeda." I explained as he pulled me in for a hug, "We came to save you."

Against his chest I heard his heart beating in a nervous pace. He then let out a small laugh, "Save me?"

When we pulled away, I looked to Ron, "You May know that Arthur Weasley is the new Minister of Magic. Well, Harry Potter happens to have a good relationship with the Weasley's. He also happens to be the boy who saved our world."

Draco nodded, catching on to what I was saying, "Harry Potter wants to testify for my freedom?"

"I'm afraid I do." Harry's voice pipped up as he and Ginny came into view.

Draco turned to Harry, "Why would you do that? After everything I put you guys through?"

Harry came to Draco and gave him a pat on the shoulder, "You saved us at the manor. Your mother lied to Voldemort about me being alive. I guess you're not so bad after all."

Draco smiled slightly and turned to face all of us, "Will my parents be able to come with me?"

The dreaded question.
Harry and I exchanged looks before he spoke up, "Malfoy. I can speak on your mother's behalf, but I'm afraid I don't have many good things to say about your father." He said truthfully, "He was there the night Cedric died. He was there even before Voldemort went into hiding. He's one of the most loyal Death Eaters. I don't think anything I say would matter at that point."

Draco nodded sadly, "I understand."
He paced around the room slowly, thinking carefully.

This had to be a hard decision for him. Sure, him and his father didn't have the best relationship, but he was still his father. He wouldn't have any family left if he took this opportunity. Sure, there was Dromeda, but she lived miles away.

"I have to at least tell them I'm going." He finally answered, "They're roaming around the village right now. They'll be back soon. I'll tell them."
Draco looked to all of us again, "I don't think you all should be here when they come back. Could scare them."

The four of us nodded and Ron, Harry, and Ginny began leaving the castle. I stayed behind to speak with Draco alone.

Once we were by ourselves, Draco placed a hand on my cheek, "I'm incredibly happy to see you, Granger."

A slight blush crept on to my cheeks at his touch, "I'm happy to see you too, Malfoy."

The two of us chuckled before slowly drawing closer together. Our noses were touching at this point. My hands found his neck while his found my lower back and chin. He tilted my head up to his and gently kissed my lips.
"I missed those lips." He whispered against my skin.

I was speechless. I couldn't fathom what I was feeling. There were fireworks going off in my chest.

"Is Hermione Granger speechless?" He asked as if he were reading my mind.

"I...I guess so." I stammered shyly.

Draco dipped down towards my ear and whispered lightly, "Just wait until we're actually alone, Granger. I'll really give you something to be a speechless about."

A shiver went down my spine at his words.
Merlin's beard.
"I guess I should go for now, then." I managed to say.

We slowly pulled away from each other and he smirked slightly, "I'll meet the four of you by the bay around nightfall. How's that sound?"

"Sounds good. I'll see you then." I nodded.

As I was turning around to leave, Draco's hand found mine. He swiftly turned me back to face him and smashed his lips onto mine. Our lips moved in rhythm while our hands moved up and down the other's body. Before the kiss got too heated, we broke apart and gave each other one last final kiss before I turned to meet the others.

"Have a good snogging session?" Ginny teased as I reached them.

"Oh, hush." I said rolling my eyes, "He'll meet is over by that bay at nightfall. For now, we should find some food."
And with that, we wondered off into the village.

By the time we returned at the bay, Draco was already there waiting for us with his bags packed.
"Well?" I asked, "How'd it go?"

Draco shrugged a little, "Not too well, but not too bad either. When I'm free I'm coming back for my mum. Would you come back with me?"

I nodded to him, "Yeah. I would."

"Alright, nerds." Draco smirked, "Let's get this show on the road."

Ron rolled his eyes, "Anddddd he's back."

"Oh shut it, Weasel. It was a joke." Draco scoffed.

Draco and I mounted the same broom and we all headed back home. It would take us a while to get back, but I was happy to finally be with Draco. He was steering while I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him tight.
I couldn't believe that we would finally be able to potentially start our lives together. We could go on a dates and see where things went. We could live our life peacefully out in the open. I was ready for our next journey ahead.
I know it's a shorter chapter, but I wanted to get something out for you guys! I'll try to update again tomorrow before the weekend!


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