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"You have five minutes." The guard told me as I ran into the room.

I practically jumped on top of Draco, knocking him over. Tears stung my eyes, "I'm so sorry."

Draco wrapped his arms around me tightly, "Don't be sorry, Granger. I knew I would have some time to spend in Azkaban. If it weren't for you, I would have been spending the rest of my life in that awful place."

I pulled away slowly and nodded in agreement. He was right.
"I just feel like we take one step forward and five hundred steps back."

Draco lightly grabbed my chin, "I would spend six years in Azkaban if it meant I could spend the rest of my life with you."
He then kissed my lips and tucked my crazy stands of hair behind my ear, "When I get out, you're the first person I want to see."

"I promise I'll be there." I said to him, kissing him one last time before the door swung open.

"Okay. Times up." The guard's voice boomed.

Draco squeezed my hand, "I love you."

"And I love you." I replied back.

The following weeks were difficult to say the least. I couldn't help but make my mind wonder to how Draco was doing in Azkaban. Such a horrible place...filled with horrible people.

I finally told my parents about Draco. I explained everything. It was killing me to lie to my parents. They were understanding for the most part. Of course my father was a bit more skeptical.
Harry, Ron, Ginny, and I had been seeing each other a lot. There wasn't much to do when Hogwarts was still being rebuilt. We were all debating on whether or not we wanted to go back and finish school. Ginny didn't have much of a choice, but Ron, Harry, and I didn't see much value in going.

"It would be bloody depressing, wouldn't it?" Ron said, "Not to mention we've been through hell and back. Gone through the worst shit. Why would I want to go back? I feel more like an adult every day. I might as well go off and get a job."

Ron had a point. Hogwarts wouldn't be the same for us. Many have died in battle.
"I agree with you." I mentioned, "I'm not sure if I want to go back."

"Hermione Granger doesn't want to go to school? That's the first." Ron teased.

"So what's next then?" Harry asked us, "Jobs? Things are slowly returning to normal."

I nodded in agreement, "I guess so. Harry is already adulting with his flat. Maybe I should move out too?"

Ron shrugged lightly, "I don't really think I can move out. Mum was devastated when George left the house. It's just Gin and I now."

My heart ached for the Weasley's. I couldn't imagine the things they're enduring.

"What kind of job would you get?" Harry asked me.

"Hell if I know. Do I go the muggle route and become an office lady?" I joked.

"Absolutely not." Ron scoffed, "You're the brightest witch I've ever met. You need to be doing something with that."

That was pretty nice actually.
"I guess so." I said, "What then? The Ministry? That's basically still an office job just in the Wizarding World."

"You could be a teacher." Ron suggested, "Teach at Hogwarts? You have the brains."

I've never really thought of that.
"Maybe. I don't know. Maybe I'll become the Minister of Magic!" I laughed at the thought.
Though it could be a power move. A woman minister? Fucking brilliant.


Two months. It has been two months since Draco had been sent to Azkaban. Time has been going by incredibly slow.  I guess it's because I've been doing a whole lot of nothing. The only thing I managed to do over the past few months was start looking for places to live. My parents agreed that it was probably time for me to move out. Though I don't know how I feel about staying alone. Normally I would be fine with it, but I've felt extra lonely lately. I miss my casual friends I would make at school. I miss having a purpose and things to do. Maybe it really is time for me to find a job.

Well, I have a job now. It's not exactly what I imagined, but it's something. I'm currently interning with the Ministry. Office work, I know. It's not what I want long term, but it's something. It pays pretty well considering I bargained for a better wage.

"And I have experience." I explained, "I'm Harry Potter's best friend. I'm the brains of the group. We hunted Horcruxes for crying out loud. I deserve more. Do you know how much I've encountered?"

I work with a few people in the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures. It's interesting to say the least.
It's been four months since I've seen Draco. Two more months to go...

I'm finally living on my own. It's weird, I must say. I'm living in a one bedroom flat with my cat. It's pretty nice, a little small, but it's not so bad.
In a few weeks Draco is being released. I can't wait to see him. It's going to be weird though. We'll be able to be out in the open together. No fear of judgement of our peers. Just us. It'll be ...magical.

I checked myself in the mirror one last time.
Looking good, Hermione Granger!
Did I really just say that? Ugh.
I had done my makeup and even pulled my hair back out of my face. I wore a black checkered skirt with black tights and my knee high boots. I also wore my new Slytherin green sweater. Just for him.

Today is the day. I'm picking up Draco from the Ministry. I wanted to look nice for him. It was a special moment.
Once I left my flat, I headed for my usual entrance I used at the Ministry. I definitely didn't use the toilets. I used the telephone box entrance. As I was heading down to the Ministry, I couldn't help but think of my peers. They'll see me with Draco Malfoy. Everyone knew who I was, but didn't know about our relationship. It could be awkward.
Hell, not like you care.
It didn't matter though. Nothing mattered anymore.

"Morning, Ms. Granger. Here for someone?" The guard asked as I approached the holding rooms.

"Malfoy. Draco Malfoy." I answered confidently.

He gave a slight cock of his eyebrow before going inside and bringing him out to me.
Draco looked a bit thinner than the last time I saw him. Azkaban food must not be the greatest. He looked tired, but he luckily had his infamous black suit with him on my accord. I dropped off the clothing for him yesterday.
When he saw my face, he smiled and all of his troubles seemed to wash away.

"Granger." He breathed out, hugging me tight.

I let out a slight laugh and cried tears of joy as I hugged him back, "Let's go home."
This is the last full chapter! The next one will be an epilogue!!!
Thank y'all so much for reading :)

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