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Over the next week Malfoy and I got so much work done! We even wrote his entire potions paper and began discussing the actual ingredients for the potion. Things were going well.
Things also began to change through the week. Harry had been to several meetings with Dumbledore about You-Know-Who, Ron started dating Lavender Brown (gross), and Ginny and Harry even started flirting regularly.
"Do you think he likes me?" Ginny was asking me.

"Of course he does!" I told her, "I know Harry. I can see it when he talks to you."

"What about you? How are you feeling about Ron and his....Lavender?"

I shrugged my shoulders, "I think it's disgusting, but I'm fine. I thought we might have had something, but clearly it's just friendship. If there was something there something would have happened by now, right?"

Ginny smiled curiously at me, "I guess. Ron's awful about expressing his feelings....but what about this guy you're seeing now?"

"I'm not seeing anyone?" I laughed.
Who would I be seeing?

"Oh please! Where do you go after the last class of the day? You come back at ten every night with the biggest grin on your face! I see it!"

Malfoy? I don't like Malfoy. Do I?
"I can't tell you about that, I promised I would keep it a secret. It's nothing serious, I'm just tutoring someone." I explained.

"Don't tell me you're falling for a hunky Slytherin!" She teased.

"No, no!" I giggled, "It's nothing. Really."

"Okay." Ginny sang, "If something does happen, you better tell me!"

Just then Ron and Lavender came running through the common room door, laughing and screaming like crazy. After they caught their breath, she latched onto him and started sucking his face.

"Hermione." Ginny said.

I was still focused on Ron and Lavender.
I wish I had someone to be that passionate with...

"Aren't you supposed to be at your tutoring now?" She asked.

Bloody hell!
"Oh!" I exclaimed, grabbed my things, and ran to McGonagall's. I practically knocked over a few first years on the way over.
When I ran into the class, I almost fell right on my face from tripping over the door frame.
"I'm so sorry I'm late!"

Draco looked at me up and down, "Graceful entrance. You forgot about me?"

"I was just talking with Ginny and then Ron....never mind." I explained, "My mistake."

"Weasel?" He asked, "Oh. I did see him snogging that annoying girl in the hall. Is that what you were talking about?"


"What? You aren't used to seeing someone you have a crush on snog someone else?" He teased, "Is love not going your way?"

"You're wearing your ass hat today." I told him and crossed my arms, "Ron can kiss who he wants. It's just disgusting that it had to be her. And I don't like Ron. I don't know where you got that information."

Draco cocked an eyebrow, "Doesn't it bother you? I was under the impression you two had something going on."

"It doesn't bother me. I've moved on." I stated and finally sat down next to him, "So. I say we ask Slughorn when we can get those ingredients."

Draco ignored my comment I made about school work and started asking questions about my love life, "Moved on? Who's the guy?"

"I-I don't like anyone." I stammered.

Amortentia (Dramione)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora