Chapter 27

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"Are you okay?" Daniel asks, looking at me.

"Yeah, I'm great! Thanks for paying by the way."

"No problem," Daniel says before starting to eat his burger as well.

"Ready to go?" Daniel asks as I finish up my burger.

"Yeah, let's go!" I say, making Daniel smile. He starts the car and drives to our favorite bar.

"I haven't been here in ages!" Daniel tells me as we get out of the car and walk up to the bar.

"Me neither."

"What? Why not?"

"I don't know, guess it didn't feel right to go without you," I confess as I blush slightly, but Daniel smiles.

"I'm glad," he says as we walk into the bar. It's not that busy, which makes sense as it's a weekday, which makes me feel kind of bad.

"It's not even the weekend, this can only end badly," I say, making Daniel chuckle.

"Come on, live a little."

"Is that what you're gonna tell your trainer when he asks why you gained so much weight?" I ask Daniel, teasing him a little. He rolls his eyes as he walks up to the bar and orders us both a beer.

"Quit teasing, start drinking. It's time to get some secrets out," Daniel says as he hands me my beer. I freeze. I had forgotten about what used to be my favorite part of us going here. We'd drink until we were both drunk and then we'd start telling each other about stuff no one knew about us, which resulted in us knowing each other like the back of our hands. It was great when I had nothing to hide from Daniel. But that's not the case anymore.

"Why not just drink?" I suggest, trying to get Daniel off the whole secrets idea. But he's not having it.

"Nope, it's a tradition and traditions aren't meant to be changed," he says before taking a few sips of his beer. I mentally sigh before doing the same thing, knowing there's no way I'm gonna get out of this.

"I'm gonna regret this."

"It's gonna be worth it."

"Why are you so sure?"

"Because it was always worth it. We always had a lot of fun when we used to do this."

"But it's been a few years."

"So?" Daniel asks confused, probably not seeing that everything that changed in the past few years influence this hugely.

"Are you sure you want to share everything with me? Be completely honest?" I decide to ask instead of answering his question. He doesn't answer right away, but takes another sip of his beer instead.

"Yes, I'm sure. That hasn't changed," Daniel eventually says, which I didn't expect.


"What about you?" Daniel asks and just like him, I don't answer right away. Because I don't know what I'm supposed to say. I want to be completely honest and share everything with him. Except for 1 thing. My feelings for him. But then again, what is the chance he actually asks about that?

"I'm sure as well."

"Good, then let's get drunk."

"You drunk yet?" Daniel asks before we both take another shot.

"Yup, pretty much. You?"

"Yeahh definitely."

"Alright, so what now?"

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