Chapter 23

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 "I know, but it's a promise."

"What kind of promise?"

"That I'll never leave you again."

I sigh as I put away my phone after texting Daniel. I know I won't get a reply for a while because of the time difference. Daniel has been gone for about a week and like he promised, we've been staying in contact every day. The only problem is the different time zones. It prevents us from actually talking to each other. Sure, we text, but it's not the same.

"Are you okay Vi?" Aron asks, making me look up. Right, I'm on a coffee date with Aron. Shouldn't be thinking about Daniel.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm okay."

"Are you sure? You seem a bit out of it."

"Just thinking, that's all. Don't worry about me," I say, but I can tell Aron doesn't fully believe me.

"Okay, well if you need to talk about it, I'm here for you."

"I'll keep that in mind," I say, though I know it'll never happen. I'm not that sure he would like it if I talked to him about another guy.

"So how has work been?"

"Pretty good. It's been busy, but it's fun," I say, mentally cringing we're actually talking about work when we're on a date. Well, beats the previous subject.

"Same for me. I'm excited for the Australian GP though, it's always a lot of work, but it's fun."

"Yeah, I agree," I say as I wonder how we somehow got back to Daniel. Or well, something related to Daniel.

"You did that interview in Abu Dhabi, right? With Daniel Ricciardo?"

"Yeah, I did. He's actually an old friend of mine."

"The one you've been spending time with?"

"Yeah, that one," I say. I told Aron about the day I had with Daniel and that we've been spending some time together. I decided to leave out the part of us sleeping in one bed as I figured he wouldn't like that part very much.

"Must be awesome to have a friend who's a F1 driver."

"I guess so, I hadn't talked to him in years so I don't actually know what it's like. I'm finding out as we speak."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, Daniel left for L.A. about a week ago, for training, so now I'm actually experiencing what it's like to have a friend who's an F1 driver," I say just as my phone beeps. I take my phone out and to my surprise, I have a text from Daniel.

I've been working hard and I'm crazy tired, but I'm excited – Daniel

I smile at the text. I asked him how it's been so far and I'm happy that he's doing well. I can't imagine how hard the training is and I admire that he's able to do it and actually feel excited about it all.

"Is that him?" Aron asks, making me look up from my phone.

"Yeah, it is," I say as I start typing back a reply.

Shouldn't you be sleeping? Glad you're doing well though :) – Violet

"Do you talk to him often?" Aron asks as I put my phone on the table, knowing Daniel will probably text back soon.

"As often as I can, time zones suck."

"I bet they do," Aron says and I can tell by the tone in his voice that he doesn't like my answer.

"We're just friends Aron, don't worry."

"Yeah I know. It's just that you seem to talk to him a lot and you're also thinking about him often. And don't deny it, I know it's true."

"He's my best friend and I hadn't seen him in years, it makes sense that we talk a lot."

"You could do without him for all those years and now it seems like you think you'll won't survive unless you talk to him," Aron says and I can tell he's frustrated.

"The only reason I could 'do without him' is because I didn't really have a choice! If I did have a choice, I would've never gone without him for all those years!"

"Are you sure you're just friends? Because you talk about him as if he's the love of your life or something."

"Of course I'm sure, why are you doubting me?" I ask, getting annoyed with how Aron is acting. Never knew he was the jealous type.

"I'm not doubting you, it's just that the way you act and talk when it comes to him make me question that you're just friends."

"You're jealous of him, why would you be jealous of him?"

"I'm not jealous of him!"

"Yes, you are! You're jealous that I like spending time with him and that I have fun days with him! You're jealous I slept in his bed! You're jealous we have a history together!"

"You slept in his bed?" Aron asks shocked. Crap, probably shouldn't have said that.

"Yes, I did."

"With him there?"

"Yes, but we were sleeping the whole time, nothing happened. We used to do it all the time, it means nothing!"

"Maybe not to you, but to me it does. To me it means that you want way more than to be just friends with him."

"No, I don't, I swear."

"I'm sorry Violet, but you and I both know that's not true. And I can't be with someone who has deep feelings for someone else."

"Are you breaking up with me?"

"Yeah, I am. I'm sorry Violet. I hope you and Daniel will be happy together," Aron says before he gets up and walks out of the café we were having our coffee date. Just then, my phone beeps again. Perfect timing Daniel.

I went on an evening run and it took a little longer than expected. What are you up to? – Daniel

Do I tell him? Do I tell him I just broke up with my boyfriend? Because of him?

Nothing much, just out for coffee – Violet

By yourself? – Daniel

Not at first, but now, yeah ­– Violet

Why's that? – Daniel

I was out with Aron, but he just broke up with me – Violet

Oh no :( Why? You're amazing! ;) – Daniel

We just weren't right for each other I guess – Violet

Sucks :( You'll find someone, I promise – Daniel

Yeah, I already found him, he just doesn't know it yet. And I don't know he ever will.

Thanks Dan, you're the best – Violet

And don't you forget it ;) I gotta go, need to get some sleep – Daniel

Goodnight Dan, I miss you! – Violet

I miss you too Vi, goodnight – Daniel

I sigh as I put my phone away. I finish off my coffee before asking for the bill and leaving the café. I decide to walk back home as Aron picked me up earlier and I don't feel like taking the bus. Plus, it gives me some time to think about what just happened. I know Aron is right, I would love for me and Daniel to become something more than just friends. But I know it'll never happen. He has his life and I have mine. Friends is all we'll ever be.

It's over between Aron and Violet! Are you happy? Sad? Hopeful for Daniel and Violet? Let me know your thoughts in the comments!! Also, don't forget to vote for this chapter :)

Love Evy

Instagram: readracewrite

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